
fǎ wù
  • legal affairs
  1. 基于法务会计视角的假账认证制度建构研究

    The Construction of Deceptive Accounting Certification System from the Perspective of Legal Affairs Accounting

  2. 四法务单位:检察官、书记官、法医师、检验员、法警、调查人员、矫正人员及驻卫警。

    Units of legal affairs : procurator , amanuensis , forensic physician , inspector , bailiff , investigator , rectification personnel , and guard .

  3. 大卫•德拉蒙德,谷歌(GoogleBlog)高级副总裁兼首席法务官【谷歌官方博客(GoogleBlog)】

    David Drummond , Google Senior VP and Chief Legal Officer ( Google Blog )

  4. 据日本法务省(JapaneseDepartmentofJustice)称,日本周二对3名杀人犯执行了绞刑,其中包括一位中国公民。

    Japan hanged three murderers on Tuesday , including one Chinese citizen , according to the Japanese Department of Justice .

  5. 法务省(MinistryofJustice)的数据显示,上世纪90年代末,出国旅游的日本人数量是赴日旅游的外国人数量的四倍多。

    In the late 1990s , over four times as many Japanese traveled abroad as foreign tourists came to Japan , according to the Ministry of Justice .

  6. 谷歌首席法务官戴维·德拉蒙德(DavidDrummond)回避了这个问题,称现在做出任何此类承诺都为时过早。

    David Drummond , the company 's general counsel , ducked the question , saying it was too early to make any such pledge .

  7. 本身就持有AICPA颁发的“注册金融法务资格”(CertifiedinFinancialForensics)认证证书的该协会主席RobertHarris表示:“注册会计师是实施法务会计的理想人选。

    " The CPA is the ideal professional to conduct forensic accounting ," said AICPA chairman Robert Harris , who holds the institute 's Certified in Financial Forensics specialty credential .

  8. AICPA就法务财会人员必须具备的品质向上述三个群体的人士征求了意见。

    The AICPA sought their views on the qualities they believed were essential in a forensic accountant .

  9. 文件称,一些有关F7的信息是由中兴法务部门收集的,但没有提供细节。

    The document says some information about F7 was gathered by ZTE 's legal department , without offering details .

  10. 据毕马威(KPMG)的法务会计师说,仅去年一年,英国的法院就受理了49宗针对银行业、涉及重大欺诈的案件,相比之下,2004年只有10起类似案件。

    According to forensic accountants at KPMG , 49 cases involving a significant fraud against banks reached the English courts alone last year , up from just 10 cases in 2004 .

  11. 先后在年利达(Linklaters)律师事务所的私募股权团队以及消费品企业联合利华(Unilever)的法务部门工作后,她意识到,法律让她感到不快乐。

    After working in Linklaters " private equity team and then in-house at Unilever , the consumer goods company , she realised law was making her unhappy .

  12. 据彭博社引述匿名人士的消息,由于担心这家科技巨擘的潜在攻势,Uber正在考虑将谷歌公司首席法务官大卫o德拉蒙德请出董事会。

    Concerned about Google 's possible entry , Uber is considering removing Google 's chief legal officer , David Drummond , from its board of directors , according to Bloomberg , which cited anonymous sources .

  13. 日本法务大臣千叶景子(keikochiba)在中国处决赤野光信之前表示,处决毒贩比日本可能的判刑更为严厉,并对中国的司法保护提出质疑。

    Speaking ahead of the execution , Keiko Chiba , justice minister in Japan , said execution for a drugs offence was a harsher sentence than would be possible in Japan and questioned Chinese judicial protections .

  14. 德勤(Deloitte)最近的一项研究表明,技术进步已导致法律业减少了约3.1万个工作岗位(包括法务秘书),而且还有39%的工作岗位在未来20年将面临被机器淘汰的“高风险”。

    A recent study by Deloitte suggested that technology has already contributed to a reduction of about 31000 jobs in the legal sector , including roles such as legal secretaries and a further 39 per cent of jobs were at " high risk " of being made redundant by machines in the next two decades .

  15. 电子法务价值及发展框架初探

    Discussion on the Merit of Electronic Law and Its Development Structure

  16. 苹果的法务部整天忙于打各种你死我活的专利官司。

    His legal department was kept busy fighting bruising patent battles .

  17. 法务部官员正在调查该合并案是否违反反托拉斯法。

    Justice officials are investigating whether the merger violates anti-trust laws .

  18. 他表示,许多企业内部法务部门已经削减了成本。

    He says many in-house legal departments have already cut costs .

  19. 不用你教法务会计学汉娜

    Look , we don 't need forensic accounting , Hanna ,

  20. 高校会计学科发展的新方向:法务会计环境管理会计&一个新兴的会计学科领域

    The New Field of Accounting Subject In Higher Education & Forensic Accounting

  21. 我国法务会计几个基本问题研究

    Study on Several Basic Problems about Forensic Accounting in China

  22. 法务会计是会计学专业建设的新方向

    Law Accounting Is a New Direction to Build Accounting Speciality

  23. 法务省准备通过个人集资筹集资金。

    The judicial ministry prepared to raise investment from individuals .

  24. 中国跨国企业法务部在中国跨国企业全球扩展过程中的作用

    Role of In-house Law Department in Company 's Global Expansion

  25. 其次分析了法务会计和诉讼支持两者之间的相互关系。

    Secondly it analyzed the relationships between the forensic-accounting and the claim-support .

  26. 中国法务会计发展的外部推动力研究

    A Research on External Pushing Power for Legal Accounting Development in China

  27. 法务会计与司法会计研究之比较

    Comparison of the Researches on Forensic Accounting and Judicial Accounting

  28. 也许我应该找一个灵媒而不是法务会计。

    Maybe we should hire a medium instead of a forensic accountant .

  29. 第四部分是我国法务会计的发展策略。

    The part four is forensic accounting development strategy of our country .

  30. 中国跨国企业法务部与国外跨国公司法务部的比较

    Benchmarking the Chinese Corporate Law Department Against Law Departments of Foreign Multinationals