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lǐng shì
  • consul
领事 [lǐng shì]
  • [consul] 一个政府派驻他国某一地区或城市的外交官员,任务是保护本国与它的侨民的权益和处理侨民事务

领事[lǐng shì]
  1. 英国驻苏黎世领事证实被害人中有一名英国籍男子。

    The British Consul in Zurich has confirmed that a British man was among the people killed .

  2. 他将就任美国驻上海总领事(的职务)。

    He 'll hold the post of consul general for the United States at Shanghai .

  3. 他们设法与英国驻里昂领事馆取得了联系。

    They managed to make contact with the British consulate in Lyons .

  4. 美国领事馆是位于波尔多市中心的一座宏伟的大厦。

    The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux .

  5. 领事馆将和印度尼西亚举行政治对话。

    The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia

  6. 他到领事馆工作,主要因为那是仅有的几个空缺职位之一。

    He joined the consular service , chiefly because this was one of the few job vacancies

  7. 如果你需要尽快返回英国,英国领事也许能安排此事。

    If you need to return to the UK quickly , British Consular officials may be able to arrange it .

  8. 下午他去了美国驻马赛领事馆。

    He went to the American Consulate in Marseilles afternoon .

  9. 他是驻上海的日本领事。

    He is the Japanese consul at shanghai .

  10. 中华人民共和国驻洛杉矶总领事馆

    Consulates General of The People 's Republic at Los Angeles .

  11. 领事的职责是帮助自己的同胞。

    A consul 's duty is to help his own nationals .

  12. 美国驻外领事们预告,还有几百万人正在准备离开战争破坏的地区。

    American consuls warned that millions more were preparing to leave war-ravaged districts .

  13. 梅诺蒂,吉安卡洛生于1911意大利裔美国作曲家和歌剧词作者,其歌剧作品包括女巫(1946年)及领事(1950年)

    Italian-born American composer and librettist whose operas include The Medium ( 1946 ) and The Consul ( 1950 ) .

  14. 首次申请申根签证人须亲自到领事馆或外事服务机构,提供指纹和一张数码照片。

    First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates1 or external service providers to give fingerprints2 and a digital photo .

  15. SpeedSisters获得了耶路撒冷英国领事馆提供的资金来购买赛车。

    The Speed Sisters received money from the British in Jerusalem to buy a race car .

  16. 歌德学院和德国总领事馆展出了照片,现代博物馆在播放关于柏林的电影,P。

    The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing photographs , the Museum of Modern Art is screening films about Berlin and the P.

  17. 英国内政部(homeoffice)已经对游客签证处理过慢的抱怨做出了回应,计划在夏季额外部署150名领事员工到中国。

    The home office has already responded to complaints about delays in processing visitor visas by deploying 150 extra consular staff to China during the summer .

  18. 二楼是提供会员在上海交谊及精致型EVENT的场所,也是上海各国领事馆的活动场所。

    The1st floor provides the place for companion and exquisite event in Shanghai as well as the event place for consulates of different countries in Shanghai .

  19. 您正在收听的是英国总领事馆英语在线播客栏目,我是Nina。

    Youre listening to British Councils English Online podcast and Im Nina .

  20. 澳大利亚官员上周五获得对澳大利亚籍的胡士泰(SternHu)的领事探视权,他是被拘留的四名力拓员工之一。

    Australian officials yesterday gained consular access to one of the four Rio employees being held , Australian Stern Hu .

  21. 国务院签证中心(NVC)处理所有需要领事馆办理的已被批准的移民申请。

    The NVC processes all approved immigrant visa petitions that require consular action .

  22. 澳大利亚报纸《悉尼先驱晨报》(SydneyMorningHerald)报道称,持有澳大利亚护照的SternHu是被拘留的人员之一,堪培拉正要求让其领事人员探访他。

    The Sydney Morning Herald , an Australian newspaper , reported that an Australian passport holder , Stern Hu , was among those arrested and that Canberra was demanding consular access .

  23. 但是阿根廷美国大使馆的女发言人DanielledelaFuente说好多人到领事馆为周日的选举投票。

    But Argentine Embassy spokeswoman Danielle de la Fuente in Washington said many came to the consulate to vote in Sunday 's election .

  24. NVC也决定由具体某个领事馆完成签证手续。

    The NVC also determines which consular post is the appropriate consulate to complete visa processing .

  25. 英国驻沪总领事暨上海世博会英国馆副总代表艾琳(CarmaElliot)女士出席了庆祝活动,她感谢所有参与了英国馆工程的建设者。

    At the handover ceremony , Carma Elliot , British consul general in Shanghai , expressed gratitude for those constructors involved in the project for their hard work .

  26. 罗伯特·克鲁斯(RobertKloos)是荷兰驻纽约总领事馆负责视觉艺术、建筑和设计的官员。他说,经济衰退反而给一些荷兰设计师带来了好处,因为它使荷兰文化界从政府那里得到的优厚补助减少了20%。

    Robert Kloos , director for visual arts , architecture and design at the Netherlands Consulate General in New York , said that the recession did some Dutch designers a backhanded favor by causing the generous government subsidies awarded to the Dutch cultural sector to be cut by 20 percent .

  27. 英国领事馆发言人告诉法新社记者,目前并没有为拥有英国海外居民(BNO)身份公民取得在英居留权或是放宽英国海外居民(BNO)身份申请权限而修改《英国国籍法》的计划。

    There are currently no plans to amend British Nationality legislation to give holders of BNO status the Right of Abode in the UK , or to extend the right to apply for BNO status , a consulate spokeswoman told AFP .

  28. 他在领事馆工作已整整20年了。

    He has rounded out twenty years in the consular service .

  29. 日本大使馆和领事馆哪个离这儿近一点?

    Which is closer from here the Japanese embassy or consulate ?

  30. 你也知道,领事馆不在我们管辖权之内。

    You know , we have no jurisdiction at the consulate .