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lǐ shì zhǎnɡ
  • Chairman;chairperson(chairman, chairwoman) of the board of directors;board chairperson;chairperson of an executive council;president of an executive council
  1. “在我们的视频公布之后你就禁赛了德·赖斯,”TMZ的一位记者几天前对全国橄榄球联盟理事长罗杰·古德尔质疑道。

    " You suspended Ray Rice after our video , " a reporter from TMZ challenged National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell the other day .

  2. 这个问题暗示出一个好奇心更强的理事长应该会设法拿到录像。

    The implication of the question is that a more curious commissioner would have found a way to get the tape .

  3. 布朗大学的理事长VartanGregorian表示,

    says Brown University President Vartan Gregorian .

  4. 香港金银业贸易场(HongKongGoldandSilverExchangeSociety)理事长张德熙(HaywoodCheung)表示,贸易场的大部分储备实际上已经耗尽,会员单位正设法解决零售需求高涨所造成的供应短缺。

    Haywood Cheung , president of the Hong Kong Gold and Silver Exchange Society , said the exchange had effectively run out of most of its holdings as members looked to meet a shortfall in supply amid rampant retail demand for gold .

  5. 深交所理事长陈东征周二发表宣言,中国的深圳证券交易所(SSE)计划进一步加强与印度(NSE)的国家证券交易所的合作。

    China 's Shenzhen Stock Exchange ( SSE ) intends to further develop cooperation with the National Stock Exchange of India ( NSE ), SSE board director Chen Dongzheng said Tuesday .

  6. 配餐冷链化&现代快餐工厂化的必由之路访CIFST冷冻与冷藏食品分会理事长陆翔华

    Cold Chain of Assorted Food & The Only Way of Modern Fast Food Factory

  7. BBC的理事长MarkThompson在去年12月的一次研讨会上指出,能够引起论战并具备自己观点的新闻频道才“有说服力”,尽管BBC本身的新闻报道仍将保持客观中立。

    Mark Thompson , the director-general of the BBC , said at a seminar last December that he thought the case for polemical , opinionated news channels was " persuasive , " though the BBC 's own news coverage would remain impartial .

  8. IDA理事长斯科特卡德尔(ScottKardel)相信,自人工照明设备发明以来不断变得更加明亮的世界,如今即将迎来一个历史性时刻&重新拥有真正的黑夜。

    Scott Kardel , IDA managing director , believes that the world , which has become ever brighter since the invention of artificial lighting , is approaching a historic turn back towards darkness .

  9. 墨西哥媒体上最近出现报导,现任石油工会理事长CarlosRomeroDeschamps买了一台限量版法拉利跑车送给儿子当作礼物。

    Reports have recently appeared in the Mexican press of a limited-edition Ferrari bought by Carlos Romero Deschamps , the current leader of the oil workers ' union , as a gift for his son .

  10. 以诚信和规则构筑中国的乳品工业&中国乳制品工业协会宋昆冈理事长访谈

    Construct the dairy industry of China with sincerity and rule

  11. 中国海洋湖沼学会第六届理事会理事长、副理事长、常务理事、秘书长

    Members of the Sixth Council of Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology

  12. 日本玩具协会新任理事长上任

    New director of Japan Toy Association to be in office

  13. 2009年,中国残联党组成员、副理事长程凯到金钥匙中心视察。

    In2009 , Vice-Director of CDPF Cheng Kai inspected Golden Key Research Center .

  14. 慈善团体的理事长被指责对资金使用不当。

    The director of the charity was accused of improper use of funds .

  15. 设置年度理事长(1位)和年度副理事长(若干位)。

    One ( 1 ) Director-General and several Deputy Directors will be elected annually .

  16. 全国政协委员、航空运输协会理事长李军

    Li Jun , CPPCC National Committee member and chairman of China Air Transport Association

  17. 潜水冠军赛委员会理事长

    president of the International Diving Championship Committee ...

  18. 同时担任中国民办教育协会副理事长。

    Cao is also a vice chairman of the China Association of Private Education .

  19. 贾勇是中国残疾人联合会副理事长。

    Jia Yong is the vice president of China 's Disabled Person 's Federation .

  20. 理事长先生,请

    Mr. President , if you please ...

  21. 中国毛纺织行业协会理事长彭燕丽女士到会致辞。

    Mme Peng Yanli , President of China Wool Textile Association , addressed the meeting .

  22. 张晓强是中国国际经济交流中心副理事长。

    Zhang Xiaoqiang is a vice chair with the China Center for International Economic Exchanges .

  23. 中国油气勘探开发的第二次创业&访中国地球物理学会理事长、中国科学院院士刘光鼎

    The Second Pioneering of Oil Gas Exploration in China Interviewing Academician LIU Guang-ding from CSA

  24. 每天一斤奶不是梦&访中国乳制品工业协会理事长宋昆冈

    Half Kilogramme Milk Everyday Is not Dream

  25. 理事会设理事长一人,由理事互选之,连选得连任一次。

    The board members shall elect a president from them who should be re-elected once .

  26. 在理事会内部选举产生理事会理事长和副理事长。

    Committee may from time to time elect among themselves , a Chairman , a Vice-Chairman .

  27. 乳品行业这是怎么了?&访中国乳品工业协会理事长宋昆冈

    What Happened to the Dairy Industry

  28. 陈理事长在经过了三年的努力后,目前旗下共有28只狗医生。

    After three years of effort , director Chen now has28 dog doctors at her service .

  29. 理事会理事长董事会董事长

    Chairman of board of directors

  30. 院长由理事长提名,理事会选举任命。

    The president is nominated by chair of the Board and elected and appointed by the Board .