
  • 网络rational responsibility;rational duty
  1. 相反,当思考影响任何解决方案的主要因素时,这两种观点的视角应该被结合,也就是理性、有限责任和非剥削(non-exploitation)这样几个原则。

    Rather , aspects of both approaches should be incorporated , while considering the main constraints that should shape any solution : rationality , limited responsibility , and non-exploitation .

  2. 本人经历坎坷,在过去的经历中让我更加坚强、理性、更有责任心。

    I experience bumpy , in the past experience make me stronger , more rational and more responsible .

  3. 关于建立民事举证责任制度的理性思考证明责任分配则是证明责任理论的核心,它的理论性最强,实务价值最高,内容也最复杂。

    On the theory basis of the civil burden system of proof The system of proof is the core of the system of civil procedure .

  4. 实际后果是道德责任判断的现实根据;因果关系是道德责任判断的逻辑根据;社会历史理性是道德责任判断的最终价值根据。

    For judgment of moral responsibility , realistic consequence is an actual foundation ; causal relationship is a logical foundation ; the reason of society and history is the final value foundation .

  5. 第三,理性推进公司社会责任标准认证。

    Thirdly , rational promote corporate social responsibility standards certification .

  6. 理性看企业社会责任

    A Rational View of the Social Responsibility of Businesses

  7. 如何开发人力资源:技术理性与社会道德责任&中美人力资源理论与实践的比较研究

    How to Develop Human Resources : Technical Rationality or Social Moral Responsibility & A Comparison of Western and Chinese Human Resource Theory and Practice

  8. 信用卡遗失风险责任承担的理性考量船舶碰撞责任险承保范围的若干问题研究

    The Rational Consideration of the Assumption of the Responsibility of the Risk Resulting from Loss of Credit Card ; On Liability Risks Covered under Collision Liability Clause

  9. 第一节分析了股东有限责任制度的经济价值与负面作用。第二节分析了法律基于经济理性对股东有限责任制度的确认。

    Section two pointing out that the limited of the limited liability is established on the value of efficiency , and it 's the result of the economic rationalism .

  10. 企业的经济理性表明企业环境责任能否有效履行,一定程度上取决于环境规制政策的完善性和执行效率。

    The economic rationality on the part of enterprises shows that whether or not the enterprises can effectively take on the accountability on the environment depends on the perfectness of the environment regulations and their implementation .

  11. 最后,强调全社会都有引导民意遵循理性方向发展的责任,并着重讨论了目前引导死刑民意走向理性和人道主义所能够做的工作。

    As final , strengthen the whole society has the responsible to induct the public opinion at the rational direction to developing , and also emphasize that lead the public opinion about the system to rational and humanitarianism .

  12. 鉴于此,本文提出敬畏伦理、责任伦理和发展伦理,主张以敬畏生命的理性精神、超前责任意识和科学发展视野来应对基因技术的伦理挑战,为解答基因伦理研究问题寻求理论依据。

    In view of this , I claim on the awe ethics , development ethics , responsibility ethics and advocate the spirit of respecting life , the sense of responsibility and the concept of development or coordination to deal with the ethical challenges of gene technology .

  13. 对市场经济秩序失范原因作伦理学的理性分析有利于在更广泛的领域形成共识,培植合乎社会发展价值目标的理性精神和道德责任。

    Rational ethics analysis of the reason of the anomie of the order of the market economy will be beneficial to getting agreement in an extensive field . It will promote rational spirit and moral responsibility which will be fit for the value target of the social development .