
lǐnɡ shì rèn zhènɡ
  • consular identification;consular attestation
  1. 文章简要介绍和分析了拉美国家反倾销中的领事认证制度,并结合我国的具体情况提出了一些建议。

    In anti-dumping investigations , some Latin America countries have requirements with regard to legalization for foreign public documents provided by foreign respondent enterprises .

  2. 首席代表和常驻代表委派函在中国驻守该国领事馆认证(委派函由我司拟订);

    The Chief representative and General representative 's appointment letter which need to be certified in local Chinese Embassy .

  3. (三)居住在外国的,经我国驻该国大使(或领事)馆认证。

    With respect to residents of a foreign country , the documents shall be authenticated at the Chinese embassy ( or consulate ) in that country .