
  • 网络territorial behavior;territorial behaviour;Territory Behaviour
  1. 升金湖越冬白头鹤集群变化及领域行为

    Assemblage Dynamics and Territorial Behavior of Hooded Crane in Winter on Shengjin Lake

  2. 大鸨繁殖期领域行为的研究

    Territorial Behavior of Great Bustard in Breeding Period

  3. 高原鼠兔领域行为时间分配格局及其对风险环境适应的探讨

    Time Allocation of Territorial Activity and Adaptations to Environment of Predation Risk by Plateau Pikas

  4. 领域行为不明显,卵和雏鸟被触动时,亲鸟不弃巢。

    Territorial behavior is not obvious .

  5. 目的:评价护理本科生临床实习的认知、情感和动作技能领域行为。

    Objective : to evaluate behaviors of cognition , emotion , and manipulation skills of college nursing students during their clinical practice .

  6. 自我效能感是指人们对自己实现特定领域行为目标所需能力的信心或信念。

    Perceived self-efficacy is a confidence or faith of capability which is needed by individuals to reach their goal in some special domain .

  7. 这和身体健康有什么关系、根据新兴领域行为医学的发现,有很大的关系。

    What does that have to do with physical health ? According to findings from the burgeoning field of behavioral medicine , a lot .

  8. 论文研究了跨领域行为建模与仿真技术,解决了跨领域集成仿真环境中多刚体系统的动力学建模问题。

    Then , this paper explores cross-domain behavior modeling and simulation technology , and resolves multiple rigid-body system dynamics modeling in cross-domain integrated simulation environment .

  9. 通过在内蒙古图牧吉自然保护区的实地观察,研究了大鸨在繁殖期的领域行为。

    Through herding observation on the spot of the lucky nature reserve in the Inner Mongol picture , have studied the big bustards domain behavior in breeding period .

  10. 食物链与食物链算法研究:本文研究了生态系统一些重要现象,特别是生态系统中的食物链现象、动物捕食策略、集群行为与群集智能和动物的领域行为等对人工生命研究的重要启示。

    The paper studies some important phenomena of ecosystem and focusing in analyzing the food chain , the predator search strategy , the swarm behaviors and swarm intelligences , and the animal domain behaviors , which will enlighten on the research of artificial life .

  11. 从作者居住的住宅组庭园环境调查,谈人及群体的领域行为,并根据人们室外活动的行为模式,提出改善现有庭园的设想及说明。

    Based on environmental investigation on the courtyard of dwelling group where the author lives , the field behavior of individual and colony is discussed . And according to the behavioral mode of person 's outdoor activity , the envisagement and description to improve the existing courtyards .

  12. Web上的社交网络需要大量具有各种专业领域和行为模式的用户。

    Social networks on the Web require a large number of users with a variety of specialist areas and behavior patterns .

  13. 移动通信领域市场行为的SWARM仿真分析

    SWARM Simulation Analysis of Market Behavior in Mobile Communications Field

  14. 消费领域欺诈行为的成因及对策会计造假的现状、成因及防治对策

    Current Situation , Cause and Prevention Measures of Account Cheating

  15. 黑眉苇莺繁殖期领域性行为的研究

    On Territorial Behaviour of Black-browed Reed Warbler in Breeding Period

  16. 我国养老保险领域投机行为的治理对策研究

    Study of Strategies to Curb Speculative Activities on China 's Pension Insurance

  17. 谈流通领域组织行为的改善

    On the Improvement of Organizational Behavior in Market Circulation

  18. 动作技能领域和行为领域,每个领域包括5个类别的目标。

    Each domain includes five categories of objectives .

  19. 遗传学中的一个新领域&行为遗传学

    A New Area in Genetics & Behavior Genetics

  20. 多重模型是指仿真对象具有几何外观和非几何领域的行为属性。

    Multi-model means that emulation object has the action attribute of geometry appearance and non-geometry field .

  21. 从而认可了人类在某一领域共同行为规范的合理性,同时论证了多元民族文化存在和发展的合理性。

    In the meantime , it proves the reasonableness of plural national cultures ' existence and development .

  22. 首先探讨了法律为什么可以参与调整这一向来被人们视为私法领域的行为。

    First explored can participate in law why adjustment has always been seen as the field of private law .

  23. 2对以及2只单只的个体,虽然没有发现巢,但根据其保护领域的行为,可以确定其为繁殖个体。

    From the territory defending behavior , 2 pairs of birds and 2 single Cranes were confirmed to be breeders .

  24. 刑法领域的行为判断可以分为两大部分:犯罪成立与刑事责任承担。

    The judgment and evaluation of behaviors in criminal field contains two aspects , namely criminal constitution and criminal liability .

  25. 剖析科技领域失信行为,有利于遏制社会信用缺失现象。

    Analyzing bad credit behaviors in scientific and technological fields is favorable to containing the phenomena of credit losses in society .

  26. 为实现该目的,本文整合了良好定义的行为语义来充分支持特定领域的行为建模。

    To achieve the goal , the well-defined behavior semantic is combined by the paper to fully support domain-specific behavior modeling .

  27. 红隼在占巢期雌雄鸟表现出明显的巢址选择行为和领域保护行为,主要以雌鸟为主。

    Male and female display obvious nest-choosing and terrain-protecting behaviors in the occupying nest period , and it is mainly male .

  28. 但在金融服务这样监管严格的领域,行为的主要评判标准是规则手册。

    But in a sector as extensively regulated as financial services , the main determinant of behaviour is the rule book .

  29. 和谐、生态、现代中国已成为我国环境艺术设计领域的行为目标和人们的期盼,文中提出中国环境艺术设计师的社会职责就是为中国而设计。

    Making a harmonious , ecological and modem China has been an utmost aim of China 's environ - ment art design .

  30. 预防交易领域欺诈行为的发生,预防产品(包括食品)领域的侵权行为都是这种预防功能发挥的证明。

    The system is the proof of the prevention function both in the trade field by preventing the fraud and in the product field ( including foods ) by preventing infringement .