
pínɡ děnɡ bǎo hù
  • equal protection
  1. 大法官安东尼·肯尼迪宣布DOMA违反第5修正案的平等保护条款。

    Justice Anthony Kennedy declared DOMA in violation of the Fifth Amendment 's Equal Protection clause .

  2. 论《物权法》平等保护原则的问题及其完善

    On the Principle of Equal Protection of Property law and lts Perfect

  3. 三是重视妇女权益的平等保护宪政思想;

    The third is emphasis on women rights in equal protections ;

  4. 《第十四条修正案》赋予公民以权利,让他们享受法律的平等保护。

    The Fourteenth Amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the law .

  5. 一种帧级无线视频传输不平等保护策略

    Frame-Level Unequal Error Protection Scheme for Wireless Video Coding

  6. 一种无线视频传输的跨层自适应不平等保护方法

    An Unequal Protection Strategy for Adaptive Cross Layer Video Transmission over Wireless Channels

  7. 论美国最高法院与黑人选举权的平等保护

    Equal Protection of the Voting Rights of Black People

  8. 我国刑法对非公有制经济区别保护的原因探析&兼评平等保护观

    The Study on the Reasons of Differential Protection of Nonpublic Economy with Criminal Law

  9. 行政诉讼中的平等保护研究

    Study of Equal Protection in Administrative Litigation

  10. 美国宪法也保证人人都受法律平等保护。

    Equal protection of the law is also guaranteed to each person by the Constitution .

  11. 相对所有权观念在所有权平等保护中的解释论应用

    Application of the Conception of Relative Ownership in the Explanation of the Equal Protection to Ownership

  12. 他们表示宪法草案没有平等保护埃及人民的权益。

    They said the rights of all Egyptians are not equally protected in the draft constitution .

  13. 平等保护请求权研究

    Study on Claim for Equal Protection

  14. 两种权利谁应该优先保护或者还是平等保护,学者们看法不一,尤其是新闻学学者和法学学者的分歧更大。

    The two powers should be given priority protection or equal protection of the scholars are divided .

  15. 必要性体现在国际交往、市场秩序、市场主体法律地位、对债权人和债务人平等保护四个方面;

    Its necessity is the demand of international communication , market order , subject status , debtors'and creditors'protect .

  16. 论我国农民工就业权的平等保护&兼评《就业促进法》

    Equal Protection on the Employment Right of Chinese Peasant Workers and a Review on " Employment Promotion Law ";

  17. 法官认为,佛罗里达州选民支持的同性婚姻禁令违反了美国宪法规定法律下平等保护的保证。

    She contends Florida-voter-approved ban on same sex marriage violates US constitution 's guarantee of equal protection under the law .

  18. 出卖人与先买权人二者的权利义务一致,才能平等保护双方利益。

    Only if the saler and the buyer 's right and duty combined do they could be protected at equal .

  19. 程序:地区法院详细审查,判决德州计划违反了平等保护原则。

    Procedural Posture : The District Court , exercising strict scrutiny , held that the Texas scheme violated equal protection .

  20. 鲁宾逊争辩说,该局的解释剥夺了他的宪法权&法律的平等保护和宗教信仰自由。

    Robison asserted that this interpretation denied his constitutional rights to equal protection of the laws and free exercise of religion .

  21. 这导致了合伙企业在市场竞争中,出现不能清偿债务时,不能进行破产清算的情形,不利于债权人的平等保护。

    This has lead to absence of bankruptcy liquidation when the enterprise fails to clear its debt in the market competition .

  22. 在平等保护公私财产权的前提下,我国法律更应加大保护私有财产权的力度。

    Under the premise of equal protection of the public and private property rights , we should protect private property rights strictly .

  23. 文章围绕着这一核心问题展开论述,旨在平等保护双方当事人的权益,合理解决居间合同纠纷。

    The paper discusses the question , aiming to equally protect both parties ' rights and interests and properly settle contract disputes .

  24. 法庭和公民都被迫直面宪法中关于自由、正当程序和平等保护的承诺。

    courts and citizens alike were forced to confront the Constitution 's promise of liberty , due process , and equal protection .

  25. 据WDET电台的奎因·克兰费尔特报道,这名法官表示,这项禁令违反了保证所有人都获得平等保护的法律。

    As WDET 's Quinn Klinefelter reports , the judge says the ban violates the guarantee of equal protection for all people .

  26. 人人有权享受平等保护,以避免受违反本宣言的任何歧视行为以及煽动这种歧视的任何行为之害。

    All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination .

  27. 从平等保护与特殊照顾谈残疾人劳动权法律保障

    To Discuss the Legal Protection for the Handicapped 's Rights to Work from : " Equal Protection " and " Special Treatment "

  28. 诉讼称这项政策破坏了移民获得平等保护的权利,亚利桑那州的命令应服从于联邦法律。

    A lawsuit claimed that the policy undermined the immigrants ' equal protection and that the Arizona mandate is trumped by federal law .

  29. 本周,参议员们会决定是否该法案延伸至对于同性恋移民的平等保护,而目前的联邦法律不承认其关系。

    This week , senators could decide whether the bill extends equal protections to homosexual immigrants whose relationships are not recognized under current federal law .

  30. 对于权利冲突中不同类型的权利之间的效力关系存在两种对立的观点:权利存在位阶与权利应当得到平等保护。

    There are two opinions on the relationship of the power of different types of rights in the conflict of rights : equality or inequality .