- 名new international economic order

The establishment of new international economic order is the essence of his article .
Ad Hoc Expert Group on the New International Economic Order
Order to better implement complex and changing international economic order .
Reflections on the Right to Development and Setting up the New International Economic Order
Constructing new international economy order , seeking a " cooperate security " road .
The appeal of economic justice is to establish a new international economic order .
Intellectual Property Rights and New International Economic Order
Adapting the new order of international economy and enhancing the management of our textile export
Establish a new international economic order
Economic Globalization and the New Order
A Preliminary Discuss on the Principle and Approach of How to Construct a New Order for International Economy
Specific principles and practicable approach should be observed in the course to construct a new order for international economy .
The new international economic order consists mainly in a demand for more cash and trade concessions from the developed countries .
Developing countries , therefore , are yet to face serious challenges in the struggle of building a new international economic order .
This realization provides one of the principal rationales for Third World 's demands for a " new international economic order . "
In order to realize the New International Economic Order ( NIEO ), developing countries should claim common but differentiated treatment in the field of IPRs .
With regard to the latter , I spent a long time on the subject when I spoke at the United Nations General Assembly in 1974 .
However , there exist conflicts : first , with the development of global international communication , corporations have been one necessary part of the national economy .
The thorough resolution of various problems in the present global economic development eventually lies in the establishment of a fair and rational new international economic order .
TO CONSOLIDATE the efforts and strengthen the cooperation between and amongst countries of Asia to achieve the early realisation and establishment of the New International Economic Order .
In respect of the new international economic order , environmental expropriation should not be compensated so that developing countries would not afford an unnecessary cost for environmental factors .
To eliminate tariff wall , to carry out the equal trading principle and to establish a open , new international economic order is a kind of the global economic view .
China 's entry into the WTO will play an active and constructive role in starting a new round of multilateral trade talks and in establishing a new international economic order .
Time flies and22 years elapsed , world pattern has undergone great changes , but still , we are so far away from an international economic new order that is just and reasonable .
China proposes the objectives for the new round of negotiations as follows : First , to be conducive to the establishment of a fair , impartial and rational new international economic order ;
Abstract : since the second world war , through the common promotion of developing countries , the United Nations Congress has voted through a series of decisions to reconstruct international economic order .
All members of the WTO accept the tenets and principles and put them into practice , which will promote the process in which the developing countries struggle for the new international economic order .
To advocate sustainable development in the field of international economic order will help to change the unfair and irrational old international order and as well as the unsustainable way of production and consumption .
Developing countries viewed the establishment of a fair and reasonable submarine system as an inseparable part of the new international economic order , while developed countries gave more concern to convenient and efficient access to seabed resources .
Early cases of soft law , including United Nations General Assembly on the Declaration on the new international economic order , as well as international intergovernmental organization established by the proliferation of formal administrative procedures and to guide behavior .