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  1. 其最早起源于阿拉伯康孟达(COMMENDA)契约,并于中世纪定型。

    It originated in Arabia " Kang Mengda "( COMMENDA ) contract , and in the middle ages stereotypes .

  2. 他说,第一次袭击发生在10时45分,亚普隆和孟达亚村庄之间。

    He said the first attack occurred at10:45 a.m.between Aplong and Myine Thayar villages .

  3. 《晋书·宣帝纪》所载孟达反魏失误二则

    Two Errors in the Records of Meng Da Opposing Wei in Jin Shu · Xuan Di Ji

  4. 植物区系组成与马衔山林区相似性最高,其次是莲花山、洮河流域,较远是孟达保护区;

    The floristic composition was highly similar to the Maxian Mountains , and the follows were the Lianhua Mountains , the Tao River basin and the Mengda Nature Reserve ;