
  • 网络MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES;Vancouver Grizzlies
  1. 一直以来,孟菲斯灰熊队都能给康利其他追求者所不能媲美的条件:

    All along , the Memphis Grizzlies could offer Mike Conley things that no other suitor could :

  2. 由两名不愿透露姓名的内部人士透露,萨卡拉门托国王队已经决定在今天正式聘请孟菲斯灰熊队助理教练埃里克-穆斯勒曼为球队的新主教练。

    The Sacramento Kings hired Memphis Grizzlies assistant Eric Musselman on Friday as their new head coach , two people with knowledge of the deal told The Associated Press .

  3. 今晚坐镇斯台普斯中心迎战孟菲斯灰熊队,他“很有可能”出战。

    He was termed " probable " to play in tonight 's game against the Memphis Grizzlies at Staples Center .

  4. 自从从孟菲斯灰熊队得到加索尔以来,湖人队成为西部冠军的呼声最高。

    Since acquiring Pau Gasol from the Memphis Grizzlies , the Lakers have emerged as the favorite to win the West .

  5. 周六比赛之前,孟菲斯灰熊队失去了他们最好的两个球员,而金州勇士队只有中锋安德鲁·博古特一人因轮换休息而缺席。

    On Saturday , the Memphis Grizzlies were without their two best players . Golden State only lacked center Andrew Bogut , out due to rest reasons .

  6. 勇士队现在和迈克尔·乔丹的芝加哥公牛队站在了同一高度,并且在周三与孟菲斯灰熊队的比赛,他们还将有机会超越公牛,拿下具有历史性意义的赛季73胜。

    The Warriors joined the ranks of Michael Jordan 's Chicago Bulls , with a chance to surpass them with a historic 73rd win on Wednesday against the Memphis Grizzlies .

  7. 菲尼克斯这个对手非常适合测试哈登和保罗之间的化学反应,但下一场将面对的孟菲斯“死缠烂打”灰熊队将更有可能是这个组合的试金石。

    Phoenix will be a perfect environment to test Harden and Paul 's chemistry , but Memphis ' Grit ' N Grind Grizzlies will likely offer a more legitimate litmus test .