
  • 网络Pound;ezra pound;Bond;pond;Pound, Ezra
  1. 庞德《神州集》中的东方主义研究

    A Study of the Orientalism in Ezra Pound 's Cathay

  2. 理雅各、庞德《论语》译本比较

    A Comparison of Confucian Analects Translated by James Legge and Ezra Pound

  3. 精练准确,节奏对等与自主翻译&读庞德的“Guido'sRelations”

    Concise , Equivalence of Rhythm and the Autonomy of Translation & On Pound 's " Guide 's Relations "

  4. 汉字、汉诗对庞德的影响&试译InastationoftheMetro

    Retranslation of In a Station of the Metro & The Effect of Chinese Character and Poetry on Pound

  5. 大卫对新产品的代号编法很感兴趣。庞德先生解释说BI是BrightIdea的缩写。

    David is interested in the system of coding used for new products and Mr. Pound explains that BI stands for Bright Idea .

  6. 巴克莱全球通货膨胀相关研究主管庞德(MichaelPond)说,作出该预测的风险因素是,经济增长更为强劲而通货膨胀率上升。

    The risk to this forecast is ' much stronger growth combined with higher inflation , ' said Michael Pond , Barclays 's head of global inflation-linked research .

  7. 1915年庞德译作《华夏集》(或《神州集》,Cathay)的出版极大地推动了英美现代主义诗歌的发展。

    The publication of cathay translated by Ezra Pound in 1915 substantially promoted the development of the British and American Modern poetry .

  8. 庞德报告称,迪亚克曾讨论与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)达成协议,以确保被指控使用兴奋剂的9名俄罗斯运动员不参加2013年在莫斯科举行的世锦赛。

    The Pound report says Mr Diack discussed cutting a deal with President Vladimir Putin to ensure nine Russian athletes accused of doping did not compete in the 2013 world championships in Moscow .

  9. 乔恩•庞德找到了他的“金”老师,YoeunMek,他们两的重聚创造了现今为人所知的柬埔寨生活艺术(CLA)。

    Mr Chorn-Pond 's search for his khim teacher , Yoeun Mek , and their eventual reunion led to the creation of what is now known as Cambodia Living Arts ( CLA ) .

  10. 如果没有庞德,艾略特的大作《荒原》可能只叫做HeDoThePoliceInDifferentVoices这样让你陌生的名字。事实上,庞德经常指导有前途的年轻作家,从欧内斯特·海明威到詹姆斯·乔伊斯,都曾在他的帮助下成名。

    Without Pound , Eliot 's masterpiece " The Waste Land " might still be known as " He Do The Police In Different Voices . " In fact , Pound had a habit of mentoring promising young authors who later became famous , helping to popularize everyone from Ernest Hemingway to James Joyce .

  11. 但庞德也缓解了国际田联现任主席塞巴斯蒂安科(SebastianCoe)的一部分压力,提出在这位英国前中距离赛跑运动员的领导下,国际田联有望“抓住机遇翻过这一页”。

    But Mr Pound also eased some of the pressure on Sebastian Coe , current head of the IAAF , by suggesting that with the British former middle-distance runner at the helm there was a chance for the organisation to " seize the opportunity and move forward . "

  12. 庞德与胡适:诗歌翻译的文化思考

    Pound and Hu Shi : A Cultural Approach to Poetry Translation

  13. 但是,诚如庞德所说,他们之间也有分歧。

    However , as Pound remarked , he and him diverged .

  14. 庞德系统论的法学方法得以形成并逐渐发展。

    Thus the systematic method of Pound emerged and developed gradually .

  15. 但庞德拒绝责怪这位前奥运冠军。

    But Mr Pound declined to blame the former Olympic champion .

  16. 社会学视野下的庞德法律思想解读

    Analysis of Pounds Legal Theory in a Social Science Perspective

  17. 新自然法学的兴起:庞德的解读视角

    On the rise of neo-natural law from Pound 's perspective

  18. 他将要在我的葬礼上说一些恶语中伤的话吧?(埃兹拉.庞德)

    Will he say nasty things at my funeral ?( Ezra Pound )

  19. 关于哈特和庞德法律思想的比较&兼议新分析法学和社会学法学的异同

    A Comparison Between the New Analytical Law and Sociological Law

  20. 受东方文化滋养的美国诗人&庞德

    Pound , An American Poet Assimilating Nutriments from Oriental Culture

  21. 林纾和庞德翻译中的接受环境

    Reception Environment in Lin Shu 's and Pound 's Translation

  22. 埃兹拉。庞德是英美现代主义诗歌的倡导者和促进者。

    Ezra Pound is an advocate and promoter of Anglo_American modernist poetry .

  23. 庞德得全压来戳穿他的虚张声势。

    Bond will have to go all in to call his bluff .

  24. 庞德虽然很有钱,但并不愉快。

    But , with all his wealth , Ponce was not happy .

  25. 论林纾和庞德译作的期待视野

    On Horizons of Expectations of Linshu 's and Ezra Pound 's Translation

  26. 在布朗大学,庞德先生遇见了艾米•卡特。

    At Brown University Mr Pond met Amy Carter .

  27. 中国古典诗歌对庞德的意象派诗歌影响原因之探究

    The cause for chinese classical influence on Ezra Pound

  28. 从庞德意象派诗歌看中西诗学的审美交汇

    Ezra Pound 's Imagist Poetry from the Chinese and Western Poetics Aesthetic Intersection

  29. 庞德虽然不是一个翻译理论家,但他有自己独特的翻译原则。

    Though not a translation theorist , Pound has his principles of translating .

  30. 庞德《诗章》对儒家思想之阐释

    Pound 's Interpretation of Confucian Ideas in the Cantos