首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 就像过去的好日子一样,魏公。

    This is just like the good old times , Wei Gong .

  2. 我的好魏公,来看看我的新仕女,小妮。

    My old Wei Gong , Come and meet my new maid , Xiao Ni .

  3. 我不能没有头发和长腿,是么魏公?

    I cannot give up my hair and my legs ; can I , Wei Gong ?

  4. 我情愿像火焰般死去,也不愿像眼泪坠落般苟活。火焰烧得多热烈呀,魏公。

    I 'd rather die as a fire , than live as a drop of tear . Don 't you think fire is more exciting , Wei Gong ?