
  • 网络Wei
  1. 本文结合魏县水利工程的实际情况,针对实际工作的具体需求,基于JSP技术设计开发水利工程信息管理系统。

    This paper taking the actual situation of Weixian hydraulic engineering in consideration , developed the hydraulic engineering information management system based on JSP technology according to the specific requirement of actual work .

  2. 六到十章主要针对魏县电力市场中存在的问题,利用市场营销的方法,结合魏县的实际情况,提出相应的解决办法。

    Chapter 6-10 directed against the problems exist in the power market of the area , marketing ideas are applied to the actually situation to get the according solutions .

  3. 主要以河北魏县西南部六个乡镇政府的公务员为研究对象,采用了典型抽样和随机抽样的方法进行问卷调查与数据收集。

    Mainly in Hebei WeiXian southwest six of the township government civil servants as the object of study , the typical sampling and random sampling questionnaire survey method and data collection .

  4. 系统的实施可以使魏县水利局的信息工作人员彻底摆脱对纸质文档的依赖,实现无纸化办公,有效减少资源的浪费。

    The implementation of this system allows the information workers of Weixian Water Conservancy Bureau to rid dependence on paper documents , achieve paperless office , reduce the waste of resources effectively .