
  1. 马占山在东三省的抗日行为,也是统治者营垒中的一个分裂。

    The Anti-Japanese operations of Ma Chan-Shan in the three northeastern provinces represented another split in the ruling class camp .

  2. 目不识丁,婚后不久生了一男一女、男为马占山。

    Illiterate , and gave birth soon after marriage a man and a woman , man and for the MA Zhan-shan .

  3. 在此基础上,采用马占山(1988)的简易序贯抽样决策模型进行了简易序贯抽样分析,制作了简易序贯抽样分析图、表。

    Based on this , Ma Zhan-shan 's Model ( 1988 ) is applied to the Simple Sequential Sampling Analysis , and Making for its Analysis table and figure .

  4. 破裂的,分裂的与分裂有关的;引起混乱的;或由分裂或破坏造成的这种破裂,表现于民族资产阶级的动摇,表现于冯玉祥、蔡廷锴、马占山等风头一时的抗日人物。

    Relating to , causing , or produced by disruption . Such splits have revealed themselves in the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie and the emergence of such anti-Japanese figures as Feng Yu-hsiang , Tsai Ting-kai and Ma Chan-shan , who have become popular for a time .