
  • 网络pontiac;Pontiac Solstice;solstice
  1. 召回车型为2005年至2007年款雪佛兰Cobalt和2007年款庞蒂亚克G5。

    The recalling applies to some 2005 through 2007 model year Chevrolet Cobalts and Pontiac G5s .

  2. 一旦通用汽车公司(GM)主要卡车厂的家庭和现已解散的庞蒂亚克品牌,全市进入破产在2009年。

    Once the home of General Motors ' ( GM ) primary truck factory and the now-defunct Pontiac brand , the city entered into receivership in2009 .

  3. 该点火开关可能会在行车时从“运行”状态转换至“辅助”状态,从而切断供给引擎的电力,并导致发生事故时安全气囊无法弹出。这个问题涵盖包括雪佛兰Cobalt和庞蒂亚克G5车型在内的所有小汽车。

    The ignition switches could shift from " run " to " accessory " while the vehicles - all compact cars such as the Chevrolet Cobalt or Pontiac G5 - were being driven . The shift could cut power to the engine and prevent airbags from deploying in a crash .

  4. 庞蒂亚克品牌的标志很可能消失。

    The iconic Pontiac brand is probably finished .

  5. 密歇根州庞蒂亚克的庞蒂亚克是2010年吉尼斯世界记录最长指甲的保持者。

    Melvin Feizel Boothe of Pontiac , Michigan , was The official Guinness World Record ' longest fingernails'holder in2010 .

  6. 庞蒂亚克将把规模精减至一到两个车型,甚至有可能会全部退市。

    Pontiac will be reduced to just one or two models and essentially cease to exist as a full line .

  7. 前通用公司将保持庞蒂亚克的品牌名称,同时保留通用想摆脱的资产和工厂。

    The old GM would keep the Pontiac name as well as any factories and assets GM wants to ditch .

  8. 在中西部这个小社区,工作清淡的几乎就像他那辆破旧的庞蒂亚克车慢悠悠的,可是他从没放弃过寻找。

    Work , in this small mid western community , was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac , but he never quit looking .

  9. 底特律大都市区范围内,庞蒂亚克是前者的制造业城市,其经济基础的侵蚀美国汽车业的衰落。

    Falling within the Detroit metropolitan area , Pontiac is a former manufacturing city whose the economic base eroded along with the decline of the US auto industry .

  10. 我无精打采地坐在老庞蒂亚克车后座,因为一个4年级的学生坐在这儿是应当的。

    I slouched down in the passenger seat of our old Pontiac ' cause it was the cool way to sit when one is in the fourth grade .

  11. 在两个小时的旅途中,我的导游们聪明地把我们在市里用的那辆庞大笨重的1950年代雪佛兰出租车换成了一辆最新型号的庞蒂亚克。

    For the two-hour trip , my guides had wisely traded in the hulking 1950s Chevrolet taxi we 'd used in the city for a late-model Pontiac rental .

  12. 黑眉毛吉姆有礼貌地把他拉出出租车,然后塞进了庞蒂亚克。大樱桃优质矮化砧木吉塞拉批量组培快繁系统优化的研究

    Black Jim politely eased him out of the taxi and into the old Pontiac . Optimization of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation on Sweet Cherry Dwarf Rootstock Gisela in Mass Production

  13. 密歇根州庞蒂亚克的庞蒂亚克是2010年吉尼斯世界记录最长指甲的保持者。指甲总长9.85米。

    Melvin Feizel Boothe of Pontiac , Michigan , was The official Guinness World Record ' longest fingernails ' holder in 2010 . His nails measured 9.85 m ( 32 ft 3.8 in ) .

  14. 通用汽车公司宣布新的重组计划,将放弃旗下一直的庞蒂亚克品牌,还称将削减掉一些经销商,关闭13个全球工厂,在2011年前削减23000个美国本土工作岗位。

    General Motors is facing up to its Pontiac line as part of its plans to cut 23000 jobs by 2011 . It 's part of its restruction plan to avoid bankruptcy . It will also be fewer car . GM plans to sell 13 fewer vehicles .