
  • 网络Redwood City
  1. 颁奖礼将在全球慈善论坛会议(GlobalPhilanthropyForum)期间在加利福尼亚红木城(RedwoodCity)举行。

    The will be presented in Redwood City , California , during a conference of the Global Philanthropy Forum .

  2. 沙利文位于加州红木城(RedwoodCity)的餐饮公司ArguelloCateringInc.已经创办了21年,现在他想把公司转手,并且希望能够卖到差不多85万美元的价钱,因为他认为只有这样才能够保证自己的退休开销。

    Mr. Sullivan has struggled to sell Arguello Catering Inc. , the Redwood City , Calif. , business he started 21 years ago , at a price anywhere near the $ 850000 or so he figures he needs to stop working .