
  • 网络Northridge;Northridge earthquake;north ridge;Northridge, CA
  1. 电影制片人StanleyIsaacs参加了准备课程。他和他的妻子在1994年的北岭地震中做好了充分的准备。

    Film producer Stanley Isaacs took a preparedness course and he and his wife were ready for the 1994 Northridge earthquake .

  2. 无论是集集地震还是北岭地震,峰值衰减(PGV和Vp)总体都是较快的,尤其是在平行断层方向。

    Whether Chi-Chi earthquake or Northridge earthquake , the peak attenuation ( PGV and Vp ) are generally faster , particularly in the NS direction .

  3. 美国医院管理专家谈中国卫生改革&美国加州州立大学(北岭)LouisRubino教授专访

    American professor of hospital management talk health care reformation of China & Interviewed with Louis Rubino , PH.D Associate professor California State University Northridge

  4. 介绍美国联邦突发事件管理局(FEMA)对1994年北岭地震中焊接钢框架节点破坏原因的正式解释,说明塑性铰外移的必要性。

    The explanations published in FEMA 350 on damage of connections in welded steel frames induced by Northridge Earthquake in 1994 are introduced .

  5. 尤其是1994年发生在美国的北岭地震(Northridgeearthquake)造成大量刚性节点的脆性破坏以后,工程界围绕节点的问题开展了广泛的试验和理论研究,成为近年来的热门研究课题之一。

    Especially after the unexpected numerous brittle connection failures happened in the 1994 Northridge earthquake , many scholars have been attaching great importance to the observed connection problems in project circle , witch is one of the hot research subjects in recent years .

  6. 北岭隧道围岩随机块体的稳定分析

    Stability Analysis of Random Key Block of Surrounding Rock of Beiling Tunnel

  7. 针碲银金矿及其它碲化物是北岭金矿晚期矿化阶段的特征标志,对寻找大型火山岩浅成热液碲化物型金矿具有重要的意义。

    The gold deposit is considered to be of volcanic epithermal type .

  8. 发生在洛杉矶的一个郊区北岭

    stuck in Northridge , a suburb of Los Angles ,

  9. 葫六线大北岭隧道施工监控测量

    Da Beiling Tunnel Construction Control and Survey

  10. 北京西山北岭向斜的有限应变分析及其意义

    The finite strain analysis and its significance in the Beiling syncline , xishan , beijing

  11. 同时,她还成为加州州立大学北岭分校一名人类学教授。

    She also became an professor at what is now California State University , Northridge .

  12. 1994年加州北岭地震期间洛杉矶盆地非线性沉积场地反应的大小

    Magnitude of nonlinear sediment response in Los Angeles Basin during the 1994 Northridge , California , earthquake

  13. 北京西山北岭向斜发育同构造纤维状压力影。

    Syntectonic fibrous pressure shadows are found in the Beilin syncline , the Western Hill , Beijing .

  14. 1994年1月17日美国加州北岭地震现场考察报告

    The report of on-the-spot investigations in the Northridge earthquake occurring in California , usa on January 17,1994

  15. 北岭地震以后,人们通过大量的试验研究和理论分析来提高梁柱节点的性能,其提高的主要途径是增强节点或者削弱梁段来提高梁的塑性变形能力,从而耗散地震能量。

    Since the Northridge earthquake , numerous experimental and analytical studies have been conducted to improve connection performance .

  16. 北京西山北岭向斜卷入区构造应变场的初步研究

    A study on tectonic strain field in the area of the Beiling syncline , the western hill , Beijing

  17. 鸡蛋里头有只鸡宝宝,北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。

    Inside , there was a baby chicken . Beiling Tourist Holiday Resort is a promising land for investment .

  18. 分析结果表明:北岭向斜的主要应变类型为平面应变,同时更多地带有压扁的成分。

    The results show that the major strain type ofthe Beiling syncline is planar strain and marked by much compression .

  19. 这个地区是平坦的,没有高山峻岭。北岭旅游度假区是您的投资宝地。

    This region is even with no high hills . Beiling Tourist Holiday Resort is a promising land for investment .

  20. 1994年,6.7级的地震袭击了洛杉矶北岭郊区,造成57人死亡,数千人受伤。

    A 6.7 magnitude quake struck near the Los Angeles suburb of Northridge in 1994 , killing 57 people and injuring thousands .

  21. 在美国的北岭地震和日本的阪神地震中,钢框架结构发生的震害引起了各国学者注意。

    The damage to steel frame buildings in the Northridge Earthquake and Kobe Earthquake has arisen out of the interest of scientists .

  22. 在北岭地震中,我们发现在地震中发生破坏的节点都是在很低的塑性水平或弹性状态下出现了脆性断裂现象。

    In the Northridge earthquake , researchers found that many connections failed in low plastic level or even elastic level due to fracture .

  23. 针碲银金矿产于北岭金矿的晚期矿化阶段,赋存于梳状排列网脉状的石英中,与自然金伴生。

    Sylvanite was formed at the late mineralization stage of the Beiling gold deposit and occurs in comby network quartz , associated with native gold .

  24. 1994年美国的北岭地震和1995年日本的阪神地震中,曾经被认为具有良好抗震性能的钢框架的梁柱连接处发现了大量的脆性断裂现象。

    During the 1994 Northridge earthquake and 1995 Kobe earthquake , the typical beam-column moment connection ( bolted-web-welded-flange ) in steel moment-resisting frame suffered unexpected brittle failures .

  25. 1994年1月17日美国洛杉机地区的北岭发生6.6级强烈地震,造成生命和财产的巨大的损失。

    On January 17,1994 , a strong earthquake of magnitude 6.6 struck Northridge of Los Angeles area , USA , resulting in great losses of life and property .

  26. 在1994年美国北岭地震和1995年日本阪神地震中,发生了大量钢框架梁柱节点的脆性破坏。

    In the Northridge earthquake in 1994 and the Kobe earthquake in 1995 , widespread and unpredicted brittle fractures were found in weld steel beam-column connections ( weld-flange-bolted-web connections ) .

  27. 在美国北岭地震和日本阪神地震中,很多钢结构框架的梁柱栓焊混接节点都发生了不同程度的破坏;

    During the Northridge earthquake in America and the Kobe earthquake in Japan , the form of connections with welded flanges and bolted webs suffered unanticipated brittle fractures in many steel moment-resisting-frame buildings .

  28. 斯蒂芬妮·布鲁斯汀曾是《洛杉矶时报》一名记者,她如今是加州大学北岭市分校的新闻学助理教授,她认为网站PastPages.org肯定是很有价值的资源。

    Stephanie Bluestein was a reporter at the Los Angeles Times . She is now an assistant professor of journalism at California State University , Northridge . She believes PastPages.org will prove to be a valuable resource .

  29. 但是都以结构本身耗能为代价,在1994年的北岭地震和1995年的阪神地震中,这种体系的结构由于支撑的反复受压而使得震害加剧。

    But that was at the cost of dissipating energy for the structures themselves . The seismic damage was aggravated for those braced systems due to repeated loading , especially in the 1994 Northridge earthquake and 1995 Kobe earthquake .

  30. 美国北岭地震和日本阪神地震之后,许多学者通过大量的试验和理论分析研究梁柱节点的受力性能,主要通过增强节点或者削弱梁段来提高节点的塑性变形能力。

    After the Northridge and Kobe earthquakes , extensive experimental and numerical studies on the mechanical performance of beam-column connections were conducted by many scholars . The plastic deformation capacity of connection is improved mainly though strengthening connection or weakening member .