
  • 网络Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area;Bda
  1. 北京经济技术开发区的高科技设计,使你很难相信你是在一个工业园区实际。

    BDA 's hi-tech designs make it hard for you to believe that you are actually in an industrial park .

  2. 它最初选择了建立在首都的北京经济技术开发区网站由于其对环境和为企业提供出色的支持对质量感知的存在。

    It initially opted to establish a presence in the capital 's BDA site due to its perception of the quality of the environment and the excellent support for businesses on offer .

  3. 它的名字叫北京经济技术开发区,简称BDA。

    It is Beijing Economic & Technology Development Area ( BDA ) .

  4. 17亿美元投向北京经济技术开发区

    US $ 1.7 Billions Invested in Beijing Economic and Technology Development Zone

  5. 双引擎助力北京经济技术开发区快速发展

    Double Engines helps the Rapid Development of Beijing Economy & Technology Development Zone

  6. 北京经济技术开发区两天启动一个新项目

    One New Project to Be Born Every Two Days in Beijing Economic & Technological Development Zone

  7. 北京经济技术开发区

    Beijing Economic-technological Development Area

  8. 随理而生&北京经济技术开发区2号供热厂主体建筑

    Emerging from Rationality & Main Building in No.2 Heat Supply Factory in Beijing Economic and Technical Development Zone

  9. 中关村科技园区和北京经济技术开发区已成为全球高端产业的聚集区。

    Zhongguancun Science Park and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone has become a global gathering of high-end industrial area .

  10. 介绍了北京经济技术开发区污水处理厂二期工程的调试过程。

    The commissioning process of the second phase of CAST WWTP in Beijing Economic and Technical Development Zone is introduced .

  11. 通过北京经济技术开发区2号供热厂主体建筑的创作,对工业建筑的布局、体量、尺度、色彩与细部处理方法作了新的尝试,探讨了工业建筑创作的另一种途径。

    Through the design of main building in no. 2 heat supply factory in Beijing economic and technical development zone , this article explored site , mass , scale , color and detail , discussed another method in industrial architecture design .

  12. 开发区医院的设计特点&北京同仁医院经济技术开发区分院设计心得

    Designing traits of hospitals in development district & Some thoughts on the designing of Beijing Tongren Hospital Economic Development District Branch