
  • 网络urbanization
  1. 加入WTO与中国城市化进程

    Urbanization after China joins WTO

  2. 中国城市化进程反思与战略调整

    Review on Course of Chinese Urbanization and Its Future Strategy Regulation

  3. 联合国(UN)估计,全球城市人口在2008年超过了农村人口,这在很大程度上得益于中国城市化进程的急促步伐。

    The UN estimates that the global urban population exceeded that of rural areas in 2008 , thanks largely to the frantic pace of urbanisation in China .

  4. 中国城市化进程中农地征用与补偿问题

    The Study of Land Expropriation and Compensation in China 's Urbanization

  5. 中国城市化进程中治安行政执法的创新

    Innovation of Public Security Administrative Execution in the Course of Urbanization

  6. 1949年以来的中国城市化进程:回顾与反思

    The Chinese Urbanization Process since 1949 : Review and Introspection

  7. 中国城市化进程中水资源与水环境问题研究

    Research on water resource and water environment of urbanization process in china

  8. 中国城市化进程中社会政策转型分析

    The Analysis of Social Policies ' Transition in Process of Chinese Urbanization

  9. 中国城市化进程步入加速发展阶段。

    The stage of Chinese urbanization goes to accelerate development .

  10. 改革开放20年来的中国城市化进程

    The urbanization process in China in the past 20 years

  11. 中国城市化进程当中的城乡分与合

    The Urban and Rural Integration and Separation in China 's Urbanization Process

  12. 中国城市化进程的S型曲线研究

    S 's mould curve of China urbanization process is studied

  13. 中国城市化进程中的发展模式及对策研究

    The Development Model and Countermeasures Study in Chinese Urbanization Process

  14. 中国城市化进程中的人口社会重构&以上海为例的研究

    Urbanization , Suburbanization and Social Reconstruction : A Case Study of Shanghai Population

  15. 近半个世纪以来中国城市化进程的总结与评价

    A Summary and Evaluation of Urbanization in China in the Past Half Century

  16. 中国城市化进程中的生态河流治理研究

    Study on Ecological River Governance in Chinese Urbanization Process

  17. 新兴古典经济学:信息技术与中国城市化进程

    New Classical Economics : Information Technology and the Course of China 's Urbanization

  18. 中国城市化进程的哲学研究

    Philosophical Study on the Course of China 's Urbanization

  19. 新城市主义与中国城市化进程中的住区规划研究

    Research on the New Urbanism and Residential District Planning in Urbanization of China

  20. 中国城市化进程中的合理性危机论

    On the theory of rational crisis in the process of China 's urbanization

  21. 正如我们所看到的的,中国城市化进程是机会与挑战并存的过程。

    As we can see , urbanization brings both opportunities and challenges to China .

  22. 中国城市化进程中的伦理支持初论

    A Preliminary Study on the Ethical Support in the Course of Urbanization in China

  23. 在中国城市化进程中存在着忽视城市文化建设的倾向。

    In China 's urbanization process there exists a tendency of neglecting city culture construction .

  24. 第三章:当代中国城市化进程对城市民族问题的影响。

    The development of ethnic minority and ethnic minority area is influenced by city remarkably .

  25. 中国城市化进程与环境艺术设计

    Urbanization Progress and Environmental Design in China

  26. 中国城市化进程。

    The paper is divided into four parts : 1 . Process of China 's urbanization .

  27. 第二部分为中国城市化进程滞后的制度障碍。

    The second part is " the system obstacle in the course of Chinese urbanization " .

  28. 毫无疑问,格力会随着中国城市化进程而快带发展。

    There 's little doubt that Gree will keep growing rapidly as China 's urbanization continues .

  29. 关于中国城市化进程中民工潮现象的思考

    Speculations on waves of redundant rural laborers pouring into the cities in the process of Chinese Urbanization

  30. 伴随中国城市化进程的加快,住宅建设正集中、大量的高速进行,居住社区的建设已经成为当前城市发展的课题之一。

    With the rapid process of city establishment , residential community construction has been the major task .