
  1. 浅析21世纪中国的粮食问题

    The Grain Problems and Its Countermeasures of China in the 21st Century

  2. 解决中国的粮食问题,只有靠提高单位面积的产量。

    To solve the problem of china can only depends on improve the unit production .

  3. 中国的粮食安全问题至关重要。

    Food security is an important issue in China .

  4. 世界粮食流通的新格局与中国的粮食安全问题

    New Situation of Grain Marketing in the World and China 's Grain Security

  5. 中国的粮食安全问题也素来是中外学者关注的焦点问题之一,然而,已有的大量研究大都忽视了气候变化的因素。

    Problems in food safety in China is the focus for scholars both domestic and abroad all the time , however , most of their study has ignored the influence by climate change .

  6. 中国以占世界9%左右的耕地,养活着占世界约22%的人口。因此,研究中国的粮食问题,不仅对中国具有现实意义,而且对解决全球粮食危机也有很好的借鉴意义。

    China feeds the 22 percent population to the world with 9 percent arable land to the world , so it has practical meaning to study China 's grain issue , and as an enlightenment to deal with the global food insecurity problem .