
  • 网络ancient capital of china
  1. 论中国古都文化的展示与利用

    On Display and Utilization of China 's Ancient - City Culture

  2. 中国古都文化的特点及旅游开发

    The Characteristics of Chinese Ancient Capi-tal Culture and its Tourism Development

  3. 关于中国古都学的若干理论问题

    Several Theoretical Issues Concerning the Science of Ancient Capitals in China

  4. 中国古都建设与自然的变迁

    Chinese Ancient Capitals ' Construction and Changes of Natural Environment

  5. 20世纪的中国古都研究

    Review of Ancient Capitals Studies in China during 20th Century

  6. 中国古都与中华文化关系研究

    A View of the Relationship Between China 's Ancient Capitals and Chinese Culture

  7. 中国古都学理论建设刍议

    Commentary on the Theory Construction of the Science of Ancient Capital in China

  8. 我正在中国古都西安撰写此文。

    I am writing this in Xi ' an , ancient capital of the Chinese empire .

  9. 中国古都学是城市科学与历史学交叉而形成的一门边缘综合性学科。

    Chinese science of ancient capitals is a frontier synthetic discipline overlapping city and history science .

  10. 中国古都是人类文明的伟大创举,是中华民族的骄傲。

    Chinese ancient capital is a pioneering work in human history , and the pride of Chinese people .

  11. 中国古都文化与现代旅游发展研讨会综述

    The Comprehensive Summary on the Symposium of Cultural and Mod - ern Tourism Development in Chinese Ancient Capitals

  12. 中国古都文化是中国传统文化中的精华,我国的古都资源体现了自己独特的特征。

    China 's Ancient-City Culture is the essence of the Chinese traditional culture ; and our China 's Ancient-City resources also demonstrate their unique features .

  13. 在10月25日举行的“中国古都学研究高峰论坛”上,中国西南部四川省的省会成都被评为中国十大古都之一。

    Chengdu , capital city of southwestern China 's Sichuan province , was named one of the top 10 ancient capitals in China at a forum held on Oct. 25 .

  14. 当和谐号列车驶入中国古都西安那破旧肮脏的火车站后,一大群身着蓝色制服的列车员便开始忙碌地擦洗它那光可鉴人的流线型车身。

    As the Harmony Express pulls into the grimy railway station in China 's ancient capital of Xi'an , an army of blue-uniformed attendants busily begin polishing its gleaming , sleek exterior .

  15. 古都是一个古今贯通的概念,既包括历史上的都城,也包括历史上曾经作过都城的现代城市,所以中国古都学的研究对象包含两大方面:一是历史上的所有都城;

    As a historical and modernistic concept , the ancient capital may refer either to a historical capital or to a modern city which used to be a capital at a time of history .

  16. 中国古都学自20世纪80年代初正式成立以来,已经过近30年的发展,研究成果洋洋洒洒、蔚为大观。

    The Study of Chinese Ancient Capitals had been formally established in the 20th century , early 80s . It had gained great developments and made tremendous research achievements in the last nearly 30 years .

  17. 中国古都学与城市科学既有联系又有区别,中国古都学要借鉴城市科学的研究思想和方法,形成自己的学科体系。

    Therefore , Chinese science of ancient capitals is both different from and related to city science , from which it will draw relevant theories and methodologies to develop a scientific system of its own .

  18. 由于古都文化是历史上一个王朝或时代文化的缩影及精华,内容丰富,影响深远,是中华文化的重要组成部分,因而近年来已成为中国古都学与中国文化研究的重点。

    As the miniature and highlight of historical dynasties or contemporary culture , civilization of ancient capitals is abundant and influential as one of the important parts of Chinese culture . Hence the focus of studies of the science of ancient capitals and Chinese culture in recent years .

  19. 中国八大古都旅游业发展对比研究

    Study on Comparing Tourism Development of Eight Big Ancient Capital in China

  20. 安阳是中国七大古都之一,甲骨文的故乡。

    The Anyang City is one of the seven Ancient Capital China .

  21. 杭州历史悠久,被列为中国七大古都之一;

    Having a long history , Hangzhou is listed as one of the China 's seven ancient capitals ;

  22. 作为中华民族的发祥地,郑州是中国八大古都之一。

    As the birthplace of the Chinese nation , Zhengzhou is one of the eight rge ancient capitals in China .

  23. 我很高兴从过去曾是中国的古都,如今仍是中国中心区域的西安开始我的行程。

    I am delighted to begin my journey in Xian , once the capital of China , still the heartland of the Chinese people .

  24. 洛阳古城是中国七大古都之一,也是中国历史文化名城之一。

    The ancient city of Luoyang is one of the seven ancient capitals of China and is included in a list of famous historical and cultural cities of China .

  25. 南京曾是中国的六朝古都。

    Nanjing was the capital of Six Dynasties in ancient china .

  26. 杭州有着悠久的历史并是中国的七大古都之一。

    Hangzhou enjoys a long history and is one of the seven ancient capitals of China .

  27. 除了北京,塔拉巴尼将参观中国西北的古都西安和江苏省的首都南京。

    Besides Beijing , the Iraqi president will visit northwest China 's ancient city of Xi'an and Nanjing , capital of eastern Jiangsu Province .

  28. 南京是一座著名的历史文化名城,中国四大古都之一。

    Nanjing is a city famous for its rich culture and long history , known as one of the seven great ancient capital cities in China .

  29. 国家新闻昨日报导,中国考古学家在古都西安发现一锅两千四百年前,放在青铜制烹煮器具的汤。

    Chinese archaeologists believe they have discovered a 2,400-year-old pot of soup , sealed in a bronze cooking vessel and dug up near the ancient capital of Xian , state press said yesterday .

  30. 服务员:洛阳是中国的一个古都。

    It is an ancient capital of china .