
  • 网络Chinese Tourism Geography;geography of tourism in China;Chinese Tourist Geography
  1. 《中国旅游地理》正是在这样的背景下做了改革的尝试。

    In the background Chinese tourism geography make a attempt to reform .

  2. 中国旅游地理教学理论与实践探讨

    Analysis of Chinese Tourism Geography Teaching Theories and Practice

  3. 高校中国旅游地理课程的改革创新探索

    A Study of the Innovation of College Tourism Geography Curriculum in China

  4. 中国旅游地理课教学改革

    Teaching Reform of the course : China Tourism Geology

  5. 21世纪中国旅游地理教师队伍建设探索

    Study on the Chinese Tourism Geography Teachers Troop Building in the 21st Century

  6. 高职中国旅游地理教材建设探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice about Teaching Materials Building of Chinese Tourism Geography in Vocational Colleges

  7. 本文从六个方面就当前全国高等学校中国旅游地理教学理论和实践的相关问题进行了深入探讨,力图有所突破和创新。

    In this paper , we discussed the theory of geography teaching and its related problem so as to have a breakthrough and innovation .

  8. 中国旅游地理是旅游管理专业的基础课,其理论研究一直是学术前沿关注的热点之一。

    Chinese tourism geography is a basic course of tourism management specialty , and its theories research has been an hot spot of academic front attention .

  9. 中国旅游地理已成为当代中国高校大学生的热门公共选修课,其开设可以从备受欢迎的原因、课程目标,以及课程建设中的课程内容、教学方法、教师队伍建设等方面进行探索。

    China tour geography has become a popular public optional course among college students in China . The cause of its popularity , its teaching target , content , teaching methods and the development of teaching staff are analyzed in this paper .

  10. 本文从《中国旅游地理》课程建设的理论依据入手,对《中国旅游地理》课程的教材体系、教学内容、教学方法以及教学评价等作了一定的改革尝试。

    The text start with according as the theoretics for Chinese tourism geography construct , it probes into how to reform the teaching material , the content of teaching , the method of teaching , and the estimate of teaching for Chinese tourism geography .