
  • 网络china tourism;china travel;tourism in china;China Tours
  1. 中国旅游研究院的报告显示,2016至2017年,国内冬季旅游市场收入约为2700亿元,预计2021年至2022年,我国冰雪旅游收入将达到6700亿元。

    According to a report from the China Tourism Academy1 , the domestic2 winter travel market over 2016 and 2017 was worth 270 billion yuan . This is forecast to expand to 670 billion yuan in 2021 and 2022 .

  2. 基于J2EE的中国旅游目的地营销系统的开发

    Development of China Tourism DMS Based on J2EE

  3. 艾尔莎要带父母去中国旅游。

    Elsa is taking her parents to visit china .

  4. 北京、西安、上海和长江是欧洲游客到中国旅游的传统目的地。

    Beijing , Xi'an , Shanghai and the Changjiang River are traditional Chinese travel destinations for European tourists .

  5. 2015年,近2600万外国游客前往中国旅游,其中约500万来自欧洲。

    Almost 26 million foreigners traveled to China in 2015 , and about 5 million of them were from Europe .

  6. 今年我要去中国旅游,因为我对中国的历史和文化很感兴趣。

    I 'm going to visit China this year because I 'm very interested in China 's history and culture .

  7. BP神经网络在中国旅游发展总量预测中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Networks on Forecasting Chinese Tourism Development Total Gross

  8. 东方文明的一次历史性考验&加入WTO后中国旅游业的影响与发展

    A Historical Test of the Oriental Civilization-On Influence and Development of Chinese Tourism after Joining the WTO

  9. 据中国旅游研究院(ChineseTourismAcademy)的数据,去年有逾8300万中国人出国旅游,较上年同期增长了18%。

    Last year more than 83 million Chinese traveled overseas , up 18 % from the previous year according to the Chinese Tourism Academy .

  10. Struts框架在中国旅游目的地营销系统中的应用

    Application of Struts framework in development of China destination marketing system

  11. WTTC将这一赛事称为中国旅游业巨大的动力和催化剂。

    It called the games an enormous catalytic opportunity for China 's tourism industry .

  12. 中国旅游业目前处在一个快速成长的阶段。

    Tourism in China present is occupying a fast growth stage .

  13. 1978年以来中国旅游地理学的检讨与反思

    Tourism Geography in China ( 1978-2003 ): A Review and Retrospect

  14. 中国旅游业管理与国际接轨之我见

    China 's Tourism Management and Its Connection with the Outside World

  15. 中国旅游类上市公司资本运营研究

    Study on the Capital Operation of Tourism Listed Companies in China

  16. 中国旅游业自身实力也不断增强。

    China 's tourism industry has witnessed continuous growth in strength .

  17. 张华在中国旅游公司驻东京分公司工作。

    Zhang Hua is with NTO of China based in Tokyo .

  18. 当代中国旅游规划思想演变研究

    Study on the Evolvement of Contemporary Tourism Planning Thoughts in China

  19. 中国旅游服务贸易发展策略分析

    Analysis of the Developing Strategy for Chinese International Trade in Tourism Services

  20. 中国旅游经济综合实力的变动分析

    An Analysis on Changes of Comprehensive Strength of Tourism Economy in China

  21. 《中国旅游地理》正是在这样的背景下做了改革的尝试。

    In the background Chinese tourism geography make a attempt to reform .

  22. 中国旅游地理学1998至2004的进展

    Development of Tourism Geography in China from 1998 to 2004

  23. 中国旅游网站基本态势的研究

    Research on the Basic Situation of Chinese Tourism Web Sites

  24. 论中国旅游饭店业可持续发展

    Talk about the Sustainable Development of Chinese Tourist Hotel Industry

  25. 中国旅游业面临的机遇及生存发展战略

    Opportunities and Strategy of Survival Development for China 's Tourism

  26. 中国旅游就业结构正在转型。

    The tourism employment structure of China is just transition .

  27. 但现有的绩效评价方法并不完全适用于中国旅游企业。

    However , they are not completely available for Chinese Tourism Business .

  28. 中国旅游业空间集聚与集群化发展研究

    On space agglomeration and clustering development of Chinese tourism industry

  29. 论全球化背景下中国旅游业的发展

    On the Development of China 's Tourist Industry in Globalization

  30. 试论宗教文化与中国旅游

    About the Relationship between Religion Culture and China 's Tourism