
pánɡ jiā lái cāi xiǎnɡ
  • Poincaré conjecture;poincare conjecture
  1. 庞加莱猜想和黎曼假设、霍奇猜想、杨-米尔理论等一样,被并列为七大数学世纪难题之一。

    The Poincare Conjecture was rated as one of the major mathematical puzzles of the20th century .

  2. 甚至有报道说你们最终证明了庞加莱猜想。你是怎么熬过来的?

    It was even announced you have finally proved the Poincar é Conjecture .

  3. 他证明了庞加莱猜想

    He proved the Poincar é conjecture

  4. 要理解庞加莱猜想,当始于对三维世界存在的一切物体的认识。

    To understand the Poincar é conjecture , start by thinking of any object existing in a three-dimensional world .

  5. 《英国周日电讯报》曾有幸追踪到这位特立独行的隐士。他因破解了一个被称为庞加莱猜想的百年难题而震惊数学世界。

    The Sunday Telegraph tracked down the eccentric recluse who stunned the maths world when he solved a century-old puzzle known as the Poincar é Conjecture .

  6. 庞加莱猜想最先由法国数学家亨利庞加莱于1904年提出,是一个关于三维空间形状的问题。

    The Poincar é Conjecture was first posed by the French mathematician , Jules Henri Poincar é, in 1904 , and seeks to understand the shape of the universe by linking shapes , spaces and surfaces .