
yóu yǒnɡ yùn dònɡ yuán
  • swimmer;natator
  1. 这位游泳运动员很不光彩地从奥运会上被遣送回国。

    The swimmer was sent home from the Olympics in disgrace .

  2. 她想成为一名能够参加奥运会的游泳运动员。

    She wants to become an Olympic swimmer

  3. 两年前,当凯西在看奥运会的时候,一个梦想进入了她可爱的小脑袋,那就是成为一名游泳运动员。

    Two years ago , while Cathy was watching the Olympics , a dream came into her sweet little head — to be a swimmer .

  4. 2016年里约奥运会期间,人们惊讶地看到美国著名游泳运动员菲尔普斯身上有圆形、紫色印记。

    During the 2016 Rio Olympics , people were surprised to see the round , purple marks on the body of the famous American swimmer Michael Phelps .

  5. 哨声是教练与游泳运动员沟通的方式。

    The whistles are how coaches communicate with the swimmers .

  6. 一名游泳运动员最终在哪条泳道比赛取决于他们在排位赛比赛成绩。排名第一的运动员在中间泳道。

    A swimmer ends up in a particular lane depending on their qualifying time . The fastest gets the center lane .

  7. 奥运游泳运动员在线直播激起千层浪,泳坛逗比小花,耿直洪荒girl,傅爷火了!

    Olympic swimmer makes huge splash in China 's live-streaming world

  8. 除参加职业游泳运动员的日常训练外,韦汉娜还在旧金山公共卫生局(DepartmentofPublicHealth)临时活动部做志愿者。

    Besides training as a full-time swimmer , Ms. Wilson volunteers at the temporary events section in San Francisco 's Department of Public Health .

  9. 优秀游泳运动员高强度训练中VAT和T/C值变化的分析研究

    The Study on Change of VAT and T / C Ratio of Elite Swimmer in High Intensive Training

  10. 本文研究了高原训练对游泳运动员血液成分促红细胞生成素EPO及血红蛋白(Hb)的影响。

    The article studys the effect of high-altitude training on EPO and Hb in athletes ' blood .

  11. 血清IGFBP-3在评价游泳运动员疲劳及过度训练中的应用

    Application of Serum IGFBP-3 in Swimmers ' Fatigue and Overtraining Monitoring

  12. 上海汉族优秀游泳运动员VDR基因A/G多态性分布特点研究

    Distribution of VDR Gene A / G Polymorphism in Elite Swimmers of Shanghai Han Nationality

  13. 少年游泳运动员冬训期间HbA2百分含量的规律性变化

    A regular change in hba_2 ( % ) content of juvenile swimmer during winter training

  14. 周一,美国队总教练JohnLeonard质疑中国女子游泳运动员叶诗文,认为她400米的破纪录之举乃是令人不安且难以置信的。

    On Monday , top US coach John Leonard questioned Chinese teen swimmer Ye Shiwen 's record-breaking 400m swim as ' unbelievable ' and ' disturbing ' .

  15. Suzie,我的大嫂是奥林匹克游泳运动员!

    Suzie , my eldest brother 's wife is an Olympic swimmer !

  16. 巴西当局告诉ABC新闻,案发当晚,一名“美国游泳运动员”砸坏了某加油站洗手间的一扇门,还和保安打了一架。

    Brazilian authorities tell ABC that a " US swimmer " broke down a gas station restroom door and fought with a security guard on the night in question .

  17. 中国游泳运动员孙杨在周日的世界游泳锦标赛中获得了金牌,同时打破了由GrantHackertt所保持的1500迷自由泳世界纪录,继这位澳大利亚人之后登上了长距游泳之王的宝座。

    China 's Sun Yang broke Grant Hackett's1,500 metres freestyle world record on Sunday to take world championships gold and stake his claim to succeed the Australian as king of long-distance swimming .

  18. 优秀游泳运动员高原训练期间VO2max、BLA和T/C值的变化

    The Change of VO_2max , BLA and T / C Ratio during Altitude Training in Elite Swimmers

  19. 运动员中血清镁浓度低于2mg/dL的人数占检测总人数的4.4%,而且低血清镁者多数为游泳运动员。

    Incidence of low serum magnesium ( < 2mg / dL ) was 4.4 % , and most of the cases were swimmers .

  20. 8周LoHi期间,男子游泳运动员的血清CK值明显高于女运动员,而BUN的变化并无显著差异,男子游泳运动员血清CK和BUN的变化幅度大于女运动员。

    During the 8-week HoLi training , the serum CK of male swimmers were significant higher than that of female swimmers , but the serum BUN had no significant difference between them .

  21. 选择儿少游泳运动员,对其休整期的安静时及大强度训练后即刻的血清生长激素、T细胞亚群、NK细胞的比例,sIL-2R等指标进行了测试。

    The serum growth hormone ( GH ), T cell subpopulations , the percent of NK cell in peripheral mononuclear cells and serum soluble interleukin 2 receptor level were measured at resting and immediately after intense swimming training .

  22. 研究认为:模拟高住低练可使游泳运动员RBC、HGB、HCT升高,血液载氧能力增加。

    The research proves that altitude live-low train can increase swimmers ' red blood cell ( RBC ), hematoglobin ( HGB ), hematocrit ( HCT ), and enhance the oxygen-transport ability in the body .

  23. 目的:探讨上海地区汉族不同水平优秀游泳运动员mtDNA高变区I序列多态性分布特点。

    Objective The purpose of the study was to detect the distribution of sequence polymorphism in hypervariable regions I ( HVR-I ) of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) in elite swimmers of Han Nationality with different athletic levels from Shanghai .

  24. 我国与世界优秀游泳运动员出发反应时(R.T.)比较分析及评价量表研制

    A Comparative Analysis of Elite Swimmers ' Reaction Time between China and he World and the Making of a Quantitative Form

  25. 获得过多枚奥运奖牌的其他英国运动员还包括历史上最优秀的帆船运动员之一艾恩斯利(BenAinslie),以及在2008年赢得两枚金牌的游泳运动员阿德灵顿(RebeccaAdlington)。

    Other British competitors with multiple past medals include Ben Ainslie , one of the best competitive sailors in history , and swimmer Rebecca Adlington , who won two golds in 2008 .

  26. 当时,时年八岁、现年24岁的最有望夺得金牌的英国长距离游泳运动员佩恩(Keri-AnnePayne)被英国教练在南非发现。

    Keri-Anne Payne , the 24-year-old British gold medal favorite in long-distance swimming , was first spotted by British coaches in South Africa at age 8 .

  27. 上海地区汉族游泳运动员、我国优秀皮划艇运动员以及中国不同地区汉族人与亚洲人mtDNA的多态性无明显差异(P>0.05),但与欧美和非洲人群均存在明显差异(P<0.05~0.001)。

    The mtDNA polymorphism in Chinese swimmers and elite canoeists , as well as in non-athletes from different areas of China was not obviously different from other Asian populations , but significantly different from Euro-Americans and African populations ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.001 ) .

  28. 保持着世界纪录的游泳运动员费代丽卡·佩莱格里尼(FedericaPellegrini)是一位大名鼎鼎的奥运选手,她在2008年夺得了200米自由泳金牌,但在2012年与奖牌擦肩而过。

    The big name at the Games is theworld-record-holding swimmer Federica Pellegrini , who won gold in the 200-meterfreestyle in 2008 but missed out on a medal in 2012 .

  29. 目的:探讨补充谷氨酰胺(Gln)对递增负荷训练游泳运动员血液谷氨酰胺水平的影响及其作用机制。

    Objective The purpose of this investigation was to study the influence of glutamine ( Gln ) supplementation on body function of swimmers during training with continuously increasing intensity , and also examine the relation of plasma Gln to other biochemical indexes .

  30. 目的探讨8周低住高练(LoHi)对游泳运动员血清CK、BUN的变化规律的影响,并比较分析男女运动员对LoHi适应的异同。

    The purpose of this study was to discuss the effects of 8-week living low-training high on changing rule of swimmer 's serum CK and BUN , analyze the difference of adaptation to LoHi between female and male swimmers .