
yóu mù shēnɡ huó
  • nomadism;nomadic life
  1. 尤为重要的是,移动将全新演绎“游牧生活”这一古老概念的全新版本。根据文章后面提到古老的。

    In particular , it will usher in a new version of a very old idea : nomadism .

  2. 第三,游牧生活方式。影响汉族亲属称谓的因素有:第一,汉族的交表婚、姊妹同婚;

    Thirdly , its nomadism , while the factors affecting the kinship terminology of Han nationality are : Firstly , its cross-cousin marriage and sororate ;

  3. 游牧生活艰苦又危险。

    The nomad life is rough and hazardous .

  4. 让您感受草原风情,体味游牧生活。

    You will taste herdsmen 's life styles on grasslands .

  5. 西部的印第安人在大平原上过着游牧生活。

    The Indian of the West is a rover of the plain .

  6. 他们最初信奉萨满教,过着游牧生活。

    In the beginning , they believed in Tengri Shamanism and were nomadic .

  7. 这就催生了更倾向于游牧生活的文明。

    And that led to a more nomadic culture .

  8. 这个民族仍然过着游牧生活。

    This tribe still live a nomadic life .

  9. 愿福音传至住在城外过游牧生活的蒙古族人。

    Pray for the gospel to reach the nomadic Mongolians scattered outside the cities .

  10. 你可以从骆驼背上饱览沙漠中绵延数十哩的沙石遍布景象。你可以停下来和过着传统游牧生活的居民聊聊,也可以去探索戈壁最早的居民恐龙的化石。

    Or you can go exploring for fossils of the earliest residents of the Gobi-dinosaurs .

  11. 贝督因人通常过游牧生活。

    Bedouins often lead a nomadic life .

  12. 可以这么说吗,就是这两个姐妹也是游牧生活方式的受害者?

    Could it be said that the two sisters are victims of a nomadic life ?

  13. 蒙古族先民们在长期的游牧生活中创造了辉煌的草原文化。

    The ancestors of Mongol Nationality create the glorious prairie culture in their long-time nomadic life .

  14. 凶猛的大狗伴随着游牧民的游牧生活,为他们驱赶家畜,在他们的露营地当警卫。

    Large savage dogs accompanied the nomads on their wanderings , driving their domesticated animals and guarding their encampments .

  15. 充满了热沙和仙人掌的荒芜的国土;游牧生活艰苦又危险。

    Wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus ; the nomad life is rough and hazardous .

  16. 这个时候,很多人要转场定居,直到春天来临,那些还循着传统游牧生活节奏的人们尤其如此。

    It 's when many , especially those who adhere to traditional nomadic rhythms of life , hunker down until spring .

  17. 在家庭联产承包责任制前,牧民以部落或公社为基本单位,在集体所有的草场上过着群居的游牧生活。

    Before the household responsibility system , the herdsmen have lived gregarious life in the collectively owned pasture by Tribalism or Commune .

  18. 黄帝是当时一个部落的首领,他和他的部落曾经在现在的河北省涿县一带,过着游牧生活。

    He was actually the chief of a tribe that led a nomadic life near today 's Zhuoxian County in Hebei province .

  19. 在全球化影响下,蒙古族传统游牧生活正处在一个快速变迁发展的过程中。

    With the impact of globalization , the way of Mongolian traditional nomadic life is in new and rapid development process of change .

  20. 在图兰平原的气候条件下,没有供漫长而严寒的冬季用的饲料储备,游牧生活是不可能的;

    In the climate of the Turanian plateau , pastoral life is impossible without supplies of fodder for the long and severe winter .

  21. 过着半游牧生活的拉巴里(Rabari)部落的牧民,沿着南至古吉拉特邦、东至中央邦的古老路线在这个国家跋涉迁徙。

    Through this country wander semi-nomadic herders of the Rabari tribe following ancient routes that take them south into Gujarat and east into Madhya Pradesh .

  22. 在我国内蒙古自治区阿拉善左旗东北部生活着一个独特的群体。他们住蒙古包,穿蒙古袍,说蒙古话,也过着蒙古游牧生活。

    In the northeast of Alashan league in Inner Mongolia , there is a special group . They live in yurts wear tunics , speak Mongolic-speaking .

  23. 一个在北美洲的大平原的赶着水牛过着游牧生活的北美印第安部族的人。

    A member of one of the tribes of American Indians who lived a nomadic life following the buffalo in the Great Plains of North America .

  24. 蒙古民族在长期的游牧生活中驯养了五畜,即马、牛、骆驼、绵羊、山羊五种牲畜。

    In long-term nomadic life , the Mongols tamed the five major kinds of the livestock , including horse , cattle , camel , sheep and goat .

  25. 各少数民族人民内迁后,在汉族的长期影响下,逐步由游牧生活向定居的农业生活过渡。

    With years of staying and under the influence of Han nationality , these nomadic people led a more settled life , which bound them on the farm lands .

  26. 认为庄稼其反映了土族先民从游牧生活逐步走上农耕生活的历程,展现了不同民族之间文化的冲突与整合现象。

    The author think the " Zhuangjiaqi " reflected the process from the nomadic to the farmer of Tus ' ancestry , emerged the cultural conflict and integrate phenomenon among different nationalities .

  27. 农民发现种植土豆是利润丰厚的经济作物后,放弃了昔日的半游牧生活,转而盖起铁皮屋顶的新居(而不是传统的木瓦)。

    The peasants have discovered that potatoes are a lucrative cash crop , so they no longer live semi-nomadic lives and are building new homes with roofs of steel not wooden shingles .

  28. 随着社会环境、自然环境、生态环境的变化,裕固族世世代代的逐水草而生的游牧生活早已经被集中定居、发展半农半牧业所取代。

    With the changes of social environment , natural environment and the ecological environment , The Yugurs nomadic lifestyle that tour with water-grass resources had already been replaced by ecesis life and semifarming .

  29. 从裕固族游牧生活与民歌的关系和裕固族民歌在裕固族人生活中的作用来论证出裕固族民歌传承人的重要性。

    According to the relationship from Yugur nomadic life to folk songs and the function of folk songs role in the people life , this paper demonstrates the importance of folk songs of Yugur inheritance .

  30. 它们都产生于蒙古族游牧生活当中,其后因生活方式和居住方式的改变,毡毯的使用范围出现差异,其装饰特征也产生明显不同。第二,分析归纳了毡绣艺术的装饰特征。

    They both issued from the Mongolian nomadic life , and than find differences because of the transform of the life style . Secondly , it summarized the decoration characteristic of the carpet decorative art .