
  • 网络ROUTE
  1. 舒适的自行车和顺畅的游览路线让景点间的骑行之旅既有趣又放松。

    Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing .

  2. 四川省灵山森林公园合理游览路线的探讨

    The plan of tourist route on Lingshan Forest Park in Sichuan Province

  3. 本文介绍了SBE法在森林景观最佳观赏点及游览路线控制方面的应用,将SBE法的应用由森林景观的管理保护方面扩展到森林景观的量化设计方面。

    This paper dealed with the application of the scenic beauty estimation method ( SBE ) in controlling the location of the best view and routes in planning the forest landscapes .

  4. 风景区游览路线组织的可定量因素

    The Measured Factors Analyses of Organizing Tourist Road of the Landscape Area

  5. 以下是一条随机选择而非最科学的游览路线:

    Here 's an eclectic , unscientific guided tour :

  6. 在计划您的湿地公园游览路线之前,不妨先登入网站取得更多资讯。

    It is recommended that you visit their website first to best plan your outing .

  7. 另外请注意:最好不要星期二进行这条游览路线,因为海事博物馆星期二休馆。

    NOTE : Avoid taking the walk on a Tuesday , when the Maritime Museum is closed .

  8. 但碧翠丝制定了自己专属的华纳兄弟伦敦影棚游览路线。

    But Beatrice lay down a line of her own at Warner Brothers ' Studio Tour London .

  9. 动态观赏中分为分析陆地游览路线和水面游览路线下的景观特点,得出了相应的植物配置方式。

    Dynamic viewing is to analyze land tour route and surface landscape features tour route , come to the plant configuration .

  10. 例如游览路线没有经过规划,游客太多占用学校的公共资源,影响高校正常的科研教学等。

    For example the tour route has not passed through the plan , the tourist takes the school too much the public resource , affects the university normal scientific research teaching and so on .

  11. 路径作为中国古典园林中的组成要素之一,连接园中各个景点、组织游览路线,引导游人的游览序列,其存在是不容忽视、不可替代的。

    As one of the composition of Chinese classical gardens , the path connects the park attractions , organizes sightseeing routes and guides visitors to the tour sequence , so its existence can not be ignored and replaced .

  12. 园林中的廊、架往往成为具有联系点式建筑和组织游览路线的联系功能,同时其自身的建筑形制、装饰风格、材质类别的应用也形成了廊、架自身的景观功能。

    Garden-passageway and framework , often become the contact point of construction and can organize the tour route . At the same time , its architectural form , decorative style , and the application of various materials have formed the landscape function of themselves .

  13. 有游览阿尔克绰兹岛的游览路线吗?

    Is there a tour to visit Alcatraz island ?