
  • 网络Pompeii;Pompei;Scavi di Pompei
  1. 就像现代英国王室会用列队马车来增加盛大活动的排场一样,一世纪庞贝古城的富裕的市民们也不例外。

    And much like royals in the modern United Kingdom augment1 grand events with processional carriages , well-to-do citizens of first century Pompeii were no different .

  2. 庞贝古城遗址,曾两次被人意外发现。

    But the entire site was discovered by accident - twice .

  3. 考古学家在发掘被火山灰掩埋的著名遗址庞贝古城时也发现了家具店存在的痕迹。

    Archaeologists found a furniture shop in Pompeii while excavating the famous site buried under volcanic ash .

  4. 庞贝古城较之赫库兰尼姆古城掩埋较浅,使得挖掘工作相对来说更容易。

    This city was buried at a shallower level than Herculaneum , which made excavation much easier .

  5. 公元79年,维苏威火山爆发,数千居民丧命,庞贝古城深埋于火山灰之下。

    Back in 79 , Mount Vesuvius erupted , covering the city of Pompeii in ash and killing thousands of people .

  6. 他们可能是由城市的某位精英雇用,可能是一位罗马官员想有庞贝古城那样的内部,让他感觉到在自己家里。

    They were likely hired by one of the city 's elite , perhaps a Roman official wanted Pompeii-like interior to remind him of home .

  7. 冷却的火山灰碎屑如混凝土般坚硬,将普利茅斯绝大多数的建筑、街道和车辆永远吞没,就像庞贝古城那样。

    Like the ancient city of Pompeii , most of Plymouth 's buildings , streets and cars are permanently locked into pyroclastic flows as hard as concrete .

  8. 每年约有250万游客到意大利,参观庞贝古城遗址,陶醉于19世纪的生活,这个世纪的生活方式和现在很像。

    About 2.5 million people visit the ruins of Pompeii , Italy , each year , fascinated by the lives of a first century people so similar to our own .

  9. 到了1748年,工程领队阿尔卡得知Sarno运河附近也有手工艺品出土,于是,他开始在我们现在所知的庞贝古城遗址上挖掘。

    In 1748 , project leader Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre learned that artifacts had also been found near the Sarno canal and started digging in what we now know was ancient Pompeii .

  10. 我们知道,庞贝城毁于一次火山爆发,但讽刺的是,正是因为这一点,庞贝古城保存得比其他罗马遗迹还要完整。

    The ancient city was destroyed by a volcanic eruption that ironically preserved it far better than any other Roman site .