
  • 网络volcanic gas
  1. 火山气体的成分和总量研究

    On compositions of volcanic gases erupted and total volatile loss

  2. 近年来,随着全球变化研究的不断深入,火山气体研究作为全球气候变化的一个分支迅速发展。

    The great progresses in the study of volcanic gases have been achieved worldwide along with the research of global change .

  3. 台湾地区温泉与泥火山气体来源之探讨

    The gas sources of hot springs and mud volcanoes in Taiwan

  4. 火山气体喷发量的一种计算方法&以汉诺坝浮岩为例

    A Method for Calculation of Amounts of Volcano Eruptive Gases & Hannuoba Pumice as an Example

  5. 酸湖附近,温度很高的火山气体每天可凝结成4吨左右的硫磺石。

    Nearby , super-hot volcanic gas can condense into as much as 4 tons of sulfur a day .

  6. 研究人员有理由相信,体积庞大的火山气体在进入高层大气后可能会散去,也可能存在许多年。

    Investigators have reason to believe that other consequences , arising from the great volumes of problematic gas expelled into the upper atmosphere , would also transpire and could persist for many years .

  7. 火山温泉气体CO2/~3He比率与幔源气体的释放和成藏机制

    Co_2 / ~ 3he ratio of volcanic thermal spring gas and the releasing and reservoir formation mechanisms of mantle gas

  8. 长白山天池火山近期气体地球化学的异常变化

    Recent geochemical changes of hot-spring gases from Tianchi volcano area , Changbai mountains , Northeast China

  9. 云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌火山灰、气体和火山岩。

    Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash , gas , and rock today

  10. 关于木卫一上火山羽的气体动力学结构

    On the Gas Dynamic Structure of Volcanic Plumes on Io

  11. 隋着洞穴队伍更深入的深入这座危险的火山,火山气体使人们的呼吸也变得异常。

    As the Cave Team have came deeper dangerous volcano gases make breathing different .

  12. 火山喷发的气体灾害

    Gases disaster from volcano eruption

  13. 喷发熔化的火山岩和气体的地球外壳(或是其他行星的表面)的裂缝。

    A fissure in the earth 's crust ( or in the surface of some other planet ) through which molten lava and gases erupt .

  14. 后来在几亿年的时间里,火山爆发使气体返回到地球表面,地表引力阻止了气体飘向太空。

    Then , over hundreds of millions of years , volcanic eruptions returned the gases to Earth 's surface , where gravity kept them from drifting off into space .

  15. 火山的喷发、气体等

    Volcanic eruptions , gases , etc

  16. 火山灰和有毒气体会导致肺损伤和其他问题,对于婴儿和老年人情况尤为严重。

    Ash and toxic gases can cause lung damage and other problems , particularly for infants and the elderly .

  17. 化石发掘和微量元素分析表明,热河生物群经历了集群死亡和快速掩埋,火山活动的有毒气体是生物灾难事件的主要因素。

    Excavation and trace element analysis indicates : Jehol biota experienced mass mortality and rapid burial ; toxic gases of the volcanic activities are the main factors of biological catastrophic event .

  18. 火山喷出更多灼热的火山灰、气体和岩块。

    The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes , gases and rocks

  19. 翻译成中文为:喷气孔通常为火山喷气出口,从这个孔中火山气体和蒸汽喷射出来,为火山晚期阶段的特征。

    A fumarole is a vent , usually volcanic , from which gases and vapors are emitted ; it is characteristic of a late stage of volcanic activity .

  20. 通过对研究区火山产物分析,推测未来主要火山灾害由火山喷发空降碎屑物、火山碎屑涌流、熔岩流、火山喷发气体造成。

    Based on the analysis of volcanic products , it is inferred that the future probable volcanic hazards would be caused by descending pyroclasts , pyroclastic outpouring flows , lava flows and gases from volcanic eruptions .