
huǒ zànɡ chǎnɡ
  • crematorium;crematory
  1. 葬礼在戈尔德·格林火葬场举行。

    The funeral takes place at Golder 's Green crematorium .

  2. 她去火葬场取回母亲的骨灰。

    She went to collect her mother 's ashes from the crematorium .

  3. 28.在火葬场工作workasafuneralfurnisher老李已经在火葬场工作了二十多年了

    Lao Li 's been working as a funeral furnisher for more than 20 years .

  4. 下一站是去纽约中村清池火葬场美国骨灰安置所(U.S.ColumbariumatFreshPondCrematory)火化。

    Next stop was U.S. Columbarium at Fresh Pond Crematory in Middle Village , for the cremation .

  5. 通往钻石山火葬场的通路;

    The access road leading to the diamond hill crematorium ;

  6. 你知道我那个开火葬场的朋友克里斯吧?

    You know my friend Chris who owns the crematorium ?

  7. 有一辆火车停到了火葬场上面。

    There 's the train , parked right on top of the crematorium .

  8. (甲部)申请火葬场及火葬日期

    ( Section A ) Crematorium , Date & Time of Cremation Applied for

  9. 是的——火葬场要排队。

    Yes - a line at the crematory .

  10. 但只会在这里,这个火葬场解决。

    But it has to be the crematorium .

  11. 已安排好在火葬场里放置一块纪念牌匾。

    Arrangements have been made for the placing of a memorial plaque at the crematorium .

  12. 难道是因为他让六处火葬场日以继夜地“焚尸”,包括安息日和神圣日?

    Because he kept six crematories working night and day , on Sundays and feast days ?

  13. 不断上升的死亡人数导致停尸房、火葬场和墓地不堪重负。

    The rising death toll has led to overcrowding of morgues , crematoriums and burial grounds .

  14. 她握紧五根手指,往火葬场方向寻找大津的影子。

    She clutched her fist tightly and searched for the figure of Otsu beside the funeral pyres .

  15. 坟场及火葬场办事处

    Cemeteries and Crematoria Office

  16. 回头望见松原里的一座孤寂的火葬场。

    Looking back , I caught sight of a lonely crematorium looming ⑤ out of a pine wood .

  17. 赶上清明节,去火葬场烧纸的人会特别多。

    A lot of people go to the crematory to burn paper as a sacrificial offering on tomb-sweeping Day .

  18. 它有水稻田,高大的棕榈树,高贵的印度榕树,还有一些湖,以及两个火葬场。

    It contained rice-fields , tall palms , royal banyans , a few lakes , and two cremation grounds .

  19. 食物环境卫生署负责管理六个政府火葬场和11个公众坟场,并监管28个私营坟场的运作。

    The FEHD operates six government crematoria and 11 public cemeteries , and oversees the management of 28 private cemeteries .

  20. 2002年2月,美国爆出令人震惊的火葬场业主大规模抛尸丑闻。

    In February 2002 , the world was shocked to learn of a scandal involving a crematorium in the United States .

  21. 永久地或在该局所规定的期限内存放于政府火葬场或灵灰安置所。

    Deposited at a government crematorium or columbarium either permanently or for such period as may be stipulated by the council .

  22. 剑桥城火葬场提出了一整套恐怖的身后安排建议,他们宣称这些方法比传统的葬礼更加环保。

    Cambridge City Crematorium has proposed a set of gruesome after-death arrangements that they say are more environmentally-friendly than traditional funerals .

  23. 比如,荷兰Orthometals公司每年从欧洲各地的数百个火葬场回收250吨金属。

    Dutch company Orthometals , for example , collects 250 tonnes of metal every year from hundreds of crematoriums around Europe .

  24. 当灵车缓缓驶过长安街开往火葬场时,街道两边站立着成千上万的群众向他做最后的告别。

    One million people lined the streets to Bid farewell to him when the hearse drove slowly along Changan Boulevard to the crematorium .

  25. 小说以杨飞的叙事作为开始,他是一个刚去世不久的穷教师,要赶往当地的火葬场,可是迟到了。

    The novel opens with Yang Fei , a poor , freshly deceased tutor , late for his ­ appointment at the local crematorium .

  26. 英国《每日电讯报》报道,一家火葬场正计划使用科幻片中的葬礼方式,如:把尸体冷冻干燥、甚至溶解。

    A crematorium is planning to carry out " science-fiction " funerals including freeze-drying and even dissolving dead bodies , the Daily Telegraph reports .

  27. 我希望葬礼办得体面一些——把我的棺材送到火葬场时,你爸他有没有唱皇后乐队的的《现在不要阻止我》?

    I hope the funeral was good - did Daddy play Don 't Stop Me Now by Queen when my coffin went into the cremator ?

  28. 我唯一知道的关于这个地方不太对劲的地方就是在20世纪三、四十年代,地下室曾经是个火葬场。

    The only thing unusual that I know for a fact about the place is that the basement used to house a crematorium in the1930s and40s .

  29. 这家火葬场的计划包括使用液态氮把尸体冰冻到零下196摄氏度使尸体变得非常脆以便做碎片处理。

    Plans include using liquid nitrogen to chill a body to-196 Celsius , so it is brittle enough to be broken into small pieces for disposal .

  30. 当然,这样的成功也带来了一个问题:诸如到火葬场之类的勇武行为是否是培养冠军所必需的?

    Such success , of course , begs a question : are feats of courage , like trips to the crematorium , necessary to nurture champions ?