
  • 网络Kumbh Mela;Maha Kumbh;Maha Kumbh Mela;Kumbha Mela
  1. 本周印度有官员称,他们正在印度教大壶节(KumbhMela)期间建立“无自拍区”,以免发生踩踏事件。

    And in India this week officials said they were implementing a " no selfie zone " at the Hindu Kumbh Mela festival over fears they may cause stampedes .

  2. 大壶节的Ashioto使用的代码马上就会公开发布,任何人都可以免费获取。

    The code used by Ashioto during Kumbh Mela will soon be made publicly available , free to use for anyone .

  3. 这照片获取当2007年大壶节在阿拉哈巴德。

    This photo was taken during the2007 Kumbh Mela in Allahabad .

  4. 大壶节遇到下雨可是非常平常的事情。

    which is a common thing to happen in Kumbh Mela .

  5. 坐视每次大壶节上看似不可避免的几十人的死亡。

    in witnessing the seemingly inevitable deaths of dozens at every Kumbh Mela .

  6. 我们在2015年纳西克大壶节上安装了5块传感垫子,

    We installed five of these mats in the Nashik Kumbh Mela 2015 ,

  7. 目的是解决大壶节面临的大规模人群挑战。

    that aimed at solving challenges faced at the grand scale of Kumbh Mela .

  8. 很多人在大壶节这样的节日上,根本不带手机。

    most of the people do not carry cell phones in events like Kumbh Mela .

  9. 也在2015年实现了大壶节历史上首次零踩踏事件的突破。

    but we marked 2015 as the first Nashik Kumbh Mela to have zero stampedes .

  10. 实际上今天还属于大壶节,所以非常特殊。

    Today is actually a part of Kumbh Mela , so it 's a very special day .

  11. 在大壶节的成功实践,激发了我去帮助其他遭遇了踩踏事件的地方。

    Having succeeded at Kumbh Mela has inspired me to help others who may also suffer from stampedes .

  12. 那是在2003年纳西克的大壶节,世界最大的宗教聚会之一。

    It was during the 2003 Nashik Kumbh Mela , one of the world 's largest religious gatherings .

  13. 印度教的大壶节被认为是最吉祥的日子,每12年举行一次。

    It is the most auspicious day of the Hindu festival , Kumbh Mela , which is held every 12 years .

  14. 并在2015年的下一个大壶节,降低踩踏事件,希望这个系统能带来更少的伤亡。

    and use it in the next Kumbh Mela in 2015 , to have fewer stampedes and , hopefully , fewer deaths .