
shuāng shǒu hé shí
  • Put your hands together;put one's palms together devoutly
双手合十[shuāng shǒu hé shí]
  1. 去年秋天,说唱歌手德雷克(Drake)在instagram上发布了纹有双手合十祈祷的emoji表情的右前臂照片,在网上掀起轩然大波。

    The rapper Drake blew up the Internet last fall when a photograph of a praying-hands emoji tattoo , inked onto his right forearm , surfaced on Instagram .

  2. 她双手合十,像在祈祷。

    She has her palms together , as if praying .

  3. 在爷爷的葬礼上双手合十做祈祷的也是这双手。

    Hands that had come together in prayer at my grandfather 's funeral .

  4. 首先我们双手合十做祈祷状。

    We begin with the hands in prayer position .

  5. 双手合十是泰国最基本的礼节。

    Namaste is a basic manner in Thailand .

  6. 他以印度人的方式双手合十,微微一鞠躬。

    He joined his hands together in Indian Fashion and gave a little bow .

  7. 他双手合十地向师父顶礼,然后坐在一旁。

    With folded hands he saluted the Master and took his seat at one side .

  8. 安娜:注意你的呼吸,吸气,鼓腹,呼气,收腹,双手合十放于胸前,心怀感激地低下头,合十礼。

    Bring your hands together in front of your chest . Bow your head in gratitude .

  9. 在这个女人的节日里,让我们双手合十感激身边所有的女人。

    In the women 's festival , let us all with folded hands who appreciate a woman .

  10. 我们将双手合十在心轮以加强神圣的爱和能量的流动。

    We bring the hands together at the heart chakra to increase the flow of Divine love and Energy .

  11. 现在我所能做的一切就是为整个车队的下一场比赛双手合十。

    All I can do now is to keep my fingers crossed for the whole team for the coming races .

  12. 但我也会暗自双手合十祈求好运并且要祈祷好几个月。

    But I would also be quietly crossing my fingers for luck and keeping them crossed for several months yet .

  13. 为了抵抗你那强烈的欲望,干脆双手合十祈祷有个玻璃罩着那个巧克力蛋糕吧。

    Just cross your fingers that the chocolate cake 's under a glass dome , to help you resist the urge .

  14. 与许多负债过多的公司一样,哈拉娱乐还有4年时间双手合十,祈求业务强劲复苏。

    Like many over-leveraged companies , the group has four years to cross its fingers and hope for a strong recovery .

  15. 双手合十到胸前,大拇指置于胸骨的位置,祈祷式。

    Fold the palms together in front of the chest and rest the thumbs against the breastbone in a prayer position .

  16. 印度和墨西哥的人更加虔诚一些,他们更加喜欢“双手合十”的表情。

    While people in India and Mexico are more religious or spiritual , favouring the ' person with folded hands ' .

  17. 随着时间的流逝,布莱恩一直双手合十的坐在水中,但是温弗里却很不平静。

    Blaine took on a Zen-like appearance in the water tank as the minutes ticked , but Winfrey was anything but calm .

  18. 双手合十,这种神情具有祈祷所能包含的最强烈而同时又最柔和的一切情感。

    She clasped her hands with an expression which contained all that is possible to prayer in the way of violence and tenderness .

  19. 他俯拜在那里好长时间,起身后他恭敬地站在神像面前双手合十。

    He lay there for a long time , and when he rose he stood respectfully before the deities , his hands folded .

  20. 上帝微笑着对他说:“你的天使会教你如何双手合十去祈祷呀。”

    God smiled at the child saying ," Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray . "

  21. 当我们来到“希望营”时,已经有一大群成年人和孩子在此等候。他们双手合十,为我们送上尼泊尔的传统问候。

    When we arrived at Camp Hope , a large groupof adults and scores of children awaited us , pressing their hands together inthe traditional Nepali greeting .

  22. 按简历17:保持你的双手合十,放在心脏水平你的拇指背面牢牢17日对你的简历胸骨按。

    Press CV17 : Keeping your palms together , place the back of your thumbs firmly against your breastbone to press CV17 , at the level of your heart .

  23. 在“反手祈祷”风潮中,参与者纷纷把自己双手合十到背后作“祈祷”状的照片上传到社交媒体上。

    The ' reverse praying ' trend sees users uploading photos of themselves to social media with their hands clasped in a ' prayer ' position behind their backs .

  24. 这并非罕见,为患有精神分裂症的人从事重复性的行为,如摇,搓双手合十,向上和向下遍地。

    It is not uncommon for people with schizophrenia to engage in repetitive behaviors like rocking , rubbing their hands together , or getting up and down over and over .

  25. 另外一种示意方式是将双手合十置于三眼前方,低头鞠躬,而后将双手移至心轮处。

    It can also be done by placing the hands together in front of the third eye , bowing the head , and then bringing the hands down to the heart .

  26. 双手合十,把头贴在手背上,同时闭上眼睛好像睡着的样子,意思是我累了。

    Pressing one 's palms together and resting one 's head on the back of one 's hand while closing the eyes as if sleeping ( sleep ) means ( mean ) I 'm tired .

  27. 哈利在桌下双手合十,几秒钟后,格林芬顿!帽子喊。罗恩走下来,瘫坐在哈利身边的椅子上。哈利和其他人都为罗恩拼命拍手祝贺。

    Harry crossed his fingers under the table and a second later the hat had shouted , " GRYFFINDOR ! " Harry clapped loudly with the rest as Ron collapsed into the chair next to him .

  28. 你可以独自练习瑜伽,也可以结伴练习;瑜伽可以在家、瑜伽室或公园里进行。我们将以一句特别的梵文问候语结束&双手合十。

    Yoga can be done alone or with friends . And you can do it at home , at a yoga studio , or in the park . We 'll end with a special Sanskritgreeting & namaste .

  29. 这是一种下腰的极端姿势:要想做到前臂倒立蝎子式,首先进行简单的头倒立:将前臂在地板上成三角形,双手合十。

    Talk about an extreme back bend : To get into a forearm-stand scorpion pose , get into a simple headstand . To do a headstand , place your forearms into a triangle shape on the floor , with your hands clasped .

  30. 法门寺合十舍利塔属于陕西省重点工程,双手合十的建筑造型给施工过程中的安全以及施工后能否达到设计要求带来了巨大挑战。

    Palms Together Dagoba in Famen temple is a key project in Shanxi Province . There are tremendous challenges which caused by held their palms together to form the building during construction and after construction of the safety design requirements can be met .