
  • 网络Lewis structure
  1. 画任何路易斯结构第一步,都是先画出它的骨架。

    The first step in any Lewis structure is drawing the skeletal structure .

  2. 那么,让我们很快地画出臭氧的路易斯结构。

    So , let 's quickly go through the Lewis structure for ozone .

  3. 我们记得路易斯结构是一个,早于量子力学的概念。

    We remember that Lewis structures are an idea that are pre-quantum mechanics .

  4. 好,首先,我们看看它的路易斯结构。

    Well , first of all , let 's look at the Lewis structure .

  5. 那么,今天我们接着讲,继续讨论路易斯结构。

    So , today we 're moving on , we 're talking about Lewis structures .

  6. 这是检验你的路易斯结构,是否正确的一个好方法。

    This is a good way to actually check if your Lewis structure is correct or not .

  7. 而每当你遇到需要从几个可能的,路易斯结构中选择的情况。

    And you can do this any time if you have Lewis structures that you 're choosing between .

  8. 那么,了做到这一点,我将开始介绍,路易斯结构。

    So , to do this , what I 'm going to do is introduce the topic of Lewis structures .

  9. 那么,大家认为那个原子应该在,亚硫酰氯的路易斯结构的中心位置呢?

    So , which atom would you expect to be in the center of a Lewis structure for thionyl chloride ?

  10. 好,那么,让我们来把我们的,路易斯结构画在这,硫在中间。

    All right . So , let 's go ahead and draw our Lewis structure here with sulfur in the middle .

  11. 那么现在我们已经做了足够多的画路易斯结构的练习,让我们来讨论一下如何得出形式电荷。

    So now that we have enough practice drawing Lewis structures let 's talk about actually figuring out this formal charge .

  12. 因此,下周一上课,我们会先以最简单的例子&甲烷开始,使用这些路易斯结构的规则。

    So , what will start with on Monday is doing the most simple example of methane using these Lewis structure rules .

  13. 因此我们会专门讲一讲,如何来画路易斯结构,然后再讨论形式电荷与共振论,它们也属于路易斯结构的范畴。

    So we 'll talk specifically about drawing Lewis structures and then about formal charge and resonance , which are within Lewis structures .

  14. 那么,让我们继续画我们的路易斯结构,看看在得到骨架之后还有哪些规则。

    So , let 's go ahead and draw our Lewis structure based on the rest of the rules now that we have a skeleton .

  15. 但我想让大家告诉我,从形式电荷的角度考虑,你会预测哪一个路易斯结构是最稳定的?

    But I want you to tell me in terms of thinking about formal charge , which Lewis structure would you predict to be the most stable ?

  16. 那么,这些就是在我们需要在,不同的路易斯结构之间做选择的时候,我们如何用形式电荷来进行判断的各种方法。

    So , these are the different ways that we can actually go ahead and use formal charge when we 're choosing between different types of Lewis structures .

  17. 但是随着你在化学上的深入,你会画很多路易斯结构,以至于你可以不用管这些规则就能直接画出来。

    But what really happens is as you go on in chemistry , you draw so many of these you can just draw them without following the rules .

  18. 好的,这就是我们画路易斯结构,所需要完成的步骤,不管什么样的路易斯结构都要这样做。

    All right , so this is the same procedure that we 're going to go through , regardless of what kind of Lewis structure we 're going to draw .

  19. 那么,我们的第二步,按照路易斯结构的规则,应该是判断在整个分子中,包含多少个价电子。

    So , our second step , as we go through our Lewis structure rules , is to figure out how many valence electrons we have in our entire molecule .

  20. 路易斯结构规则的第三步是,找出让分子中每个原子的价壳层,都排满应该需要多少个价电子。

    Step three in our Lewis structure rules is to figure out how many electrons we would need in order for every single atom in our molecule to have a full valence shell .

  21. 我想说的是这意味着尽管他们早就学完了所有的化学,他们现在都已经是研究生甚至是教授了,但他们依然在不断地写路易斯结构。

    And I mean this means way past all the chemistry they 've taken , they 're now graduate students or they 're now professors , and they 're still writing out Lewis structures .

  22. 而为了检验任何一个结构是否有效,看它们是不是好的路易斯结构,我们要做的最后一件事就是检查形式电荷。

    And the last thing we do for any of our structures to check them and figure out are these valid or not valid , are these good Lewis structures is to check the formal charge .

  23. 为了挑选一个具有,最低能量的路易斯结构,你需要把电离能最低的原子,放在最当中的位置。

    In terms of picking a Lewis structure that 's going to be the lowest energy , what you want to do is put the atom with the lowest ionization energy in the center of your atom .

  24. 而为了在有机化学中思考它,或者如果你对它,有毒的机理感兴趣的话,第一步要做的应该就是画出它的路易斯结构。

    And in terms of thinking about it for organic chemistry or if you 're interested in thinking about the mechanism maybe by which it is toxic , a first step would be to draw its Lewis structure .

  25. 那么如果我们按照流程,经过所有的步骤来画路易斯结构,我们会得到这样的路易斯结构,然后我们可以算出所有的形式电荷。

    So if we went through and drew out our Lewis structure following each of our steps , what we would get is this as our Lewis structure here , and we could figure out all of the formal charges .

  26. 这看起来整洁了不少,如果我们把氰化氢的路易斯结构画成这样的话,这样我们就有氢与碳之间的单键和碳与氮之间三键,然后还有一对孤对电子在氮这里。

    So it looks a lot less messy if we just draw our Lewis structure like this for h c n , where we have h bonded to c triple bonded to n , and then a lone pair on the nitrogen there .

  27. 因此助教可能需要一点时间,如果他们看到你画的路易斯结构以后说,噢,不,不,不,不,这是错的,错得离谱,而他们却不能立刻说出错在哪。

    So your TA might take a minute , so be patient with them if they see your structure and they say oh , no , no , no , no that 's wrong , that 's terrible , and they don 't immediately know why .

  28. 而当你遇到这些路易斯点结构时,我们会将电子用点来表示,我们马上就会看到,每个点都代表了一个价电子。

    And the idea is that when you do these Lewis dot structures , we 're representing electrons with dots , which we 'll see in a minute , and each dot is going to represent a valence electron .

  29. 其配体是唾液酸化的路易斯寡糖或类似结构的分子,在中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和正常骨髓前体细胞上大量表达。

    Its ligand is sialyl Louis oligosaccharides or similar molecular structure , and expresses in neutrophils , eosinophils and normal bone marrow precursor cells .