
  • 网络Louis XV;Louis XV of France;Louis quinze
  1. 路易十五1744年的开战决定

    The decision of Louis XV to go to war in 1744

  2. 这事儿对路易十五的统治带来了

    It gives the reign of Louis XV this incredibly ghastly ,

  3. 路易十五时期最能言善辩的布道�

    the most eloquent sermoniser at the court of Louis XV ,

  4. 路易十五法国与纳瓦拉的君主

    King Louis XV , Monarch of France and Navarre ,

  5. 路易十五的加冕仪式

    The coronation of Louis XV was a moment of great hope ,

  6. 路易十五的婚事早已准备妥当

    Louis XV was more than ready to get married .

  7. 人们称她为路易十五的最新宠玩

    People referred to her as Louis XV 's latest piece of game .

  8. 路易十五自己一定非常心烦意乱

    Louis XV , himself , must be intensely mortified

  9. 1757年1月路易十五要乘马车出行

    In January , 1757 , Louis XV is going to his carriage ,

  10. 路易十五与妻子

    The relationship between Louis XV and his wife ,

  11. 很不幸路易十五本性多疑

    Unfortunately , Louis XV was , by nature ,

  12. 事后,一位朝臣先回去向路易十五报告。

    A courtier then went ahead of the others to report to the king .

  13. 路易十五原本不应成为国王

    Louis XV never expected to be king ,

  14. 七年战争无疑是路易十五人生的最低谷

    The Seven Years War was , undoubtedly , the nadir for Louis XV .

  15. 如果路易十五直接委任一位首相

    It would have been very simple for Louis XV to choose a prime minister ,

  16. 路易十五在他执政后期积重难返

    Louis XV , towards the end of his reign , is sunk in vice ,

  17. 路易十五那种消沉和忧郁的性�

    is this depression , this , sort of , melancholic vein to Louis XV .

  18. 法国社会反路易十五浪潮的一部分

    wave of hostility towards Louis XV .

  19. 路易十五做得太过了

    Louis XV went far too far ,

  20. 路易十五2岁时失去双亲与祖父母

    Louis XV loses his parents and his grandparents , when he 's two years old .

  21. 路易十五也并不情愿

    Louis XV didn 't really want

  22. 他以医学上的造诣成名,被任命为路易十五的御医。

    He was famouse for his physic , and was appointed as a doctor of Louis XV .

  23. 路易十五和路易十六当政时相继居住于此,并将其更名为波旁大厦。

    The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis 15 and Louis 16 successively when they acted asemperors .

  24. 路易十五和路易十六都在此先后入住过,并将此处改名为波旁大厦。

    The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively when they acted as emperors .

  25. 子爵,请把这件事讲给我们听吧安娜·帕夫洛夫娜说道,高兴地感到像路易十五的腔调。

    Tell us about that , vicomte , said Anna Pavlovna gleefully , feeling that the phrase had a peculiarly Louis Quinze note about it .

  26. 当我们有些尴尬而默不作声地在升降梯里站着时,很少会想到法国国王路易十五,然而,正是他好色的欲望激发并从而产生了这项创新。

    The mind rarely wanders to King Louis XV of France when standing in awkward silence in a lift , yet his lustful urges inspired the innovation .

  27. 从格雷沃广场走过的人们,和我们自己一样,都不会不朝这座塔楼投去怜悯和同情的眼光,它夹在两座路易十五时期的破屋中间。

    The persons who , like ourselves , never cross the Place de Gr è ve without casting a glance of pity and sympathy on that poor turret strangled between two hovels of the time of Louis XV .

  28. 协和广场建成于1775年,它是为歌颂法国路易十五世而建的。

    It is in the 8th arrondissement , or district , of the city . Jacques Ange Gabriel , Louis XV 's architect , began construction in 1754 and completed it in 1763 . It was thus called the Place Louis XV .

  29. 还看看查尔斯第二、路易十四、路易十五、詹姆斯第二、麦德华第二、理查第三,还有其他四十个呢。

    And look at Charles Second , and Louis Fourteen , and Louis Fifteen , and James Second , and Edward Second , and Richard Third , and forty more ;