
  • 网络schiller;Robert Shiller;schiele;Phil Schiller;Egon Schiele
  1. 正如剧作家席勒(Schiller)所言:外表统治世界。

    As the playwright Schiller said : Appearance rules the world .

  2. 席勒说,新的MacBook拥有新的电池设计,可以续航整整一天。

    The new MacBook features a new battery design to provide all-day battery life , Mr. Schiller said .

  3. 他说从耶鲁大学经济学家席勒(RobertShiller)制作的一张长期房价图就可以看出来。

    He pointed to a chart of long-term home prices patched together by Robert Shiller , a Yale economist .

  4. CAPE是耶鲁大学(Yale)教授罗伯特•席勒倡导的一个指标,即剔除通胀和经济周期因素的市盈率。

    Cape is a metric popularized by Yale professor Robert Shiller that looks at a market P / E that is adjusted for inflation and normalized for cycles .

  5. 在芝加哥餐饮业从业多年的本o席勒表示,他发现他的伯克郡小屋(BerkshireRoom)餐厅买到的一些柠檬的质量大不如前了,不光尺寸小了,而且果汁含量也变低了。

    Chicago restaurant veteran Ben Schiller says he 's seen poorer quality in some of the limes at his restaurant The Berkshire Room , including limes that are smaller in size and lower juice content .

  6. 苹果最近与三星的专利案庭审中,曾公布多份苹果内部电子邮件。这些邮件显示,在三星的“NextBigThing”营销战略大获成功后,苹果市场营销总监菲尔•席勒(PhilSchiller)曾考虑更换苹果的广告代理商。

    Internal emails released during its recent patent trial with Samsung showed that its marketing chief Phil Schiller considered changing Apple 's ad agency after the success of its Korean rival 's " next big thing " campaign .

  7. 我们不需要做广告。在席勒看过那些对iPhone和iPad的大肆赞扬之后,他觉得这些报道远比做广告更能吸引眼球。

    We didn 't need to , Schiller said . He read from several rave reviews of the iPhone and iPad , explaining that such stories did a better job than advertising to build buzz .

  8. 陪审团将会听取一些苹果高管的证词,包括营销负责人菲利普·W·席勒(PhilipW.Schiller),以及负责iTunes等苹果在线服务的埃迪·库埃(EddyCue)。

    The jury will hear from some of Apple 's top executives , including Philip W. Schiller , the head of marketing , and Eddy Cue , who oversees iTunes and Apple 's other online services .

  9. 席勒说,较便宜的iPhone5C是由消费者喜爱的所有令人惊叹的技术制造而成。这款手机采用了新的聚碳酸酯外壳,但与苹果此前的iPhone5相比改进不多。

    The less-expensive iPhone 5C , whichfeatures a new polycarbonate casing but few other improvements over Apple'sprevious iPhone 5 model , is ' made with all the incredible technology thatcustomers love , ' said Mr. Schiller .

  10. 以经过周期性调整的“席勒市盈率”(ShillerPE,使用了10年平均收益)衡量,即便是现在,中国股市也几乎与1929年的美国股市一样昂贵。

    On the cyclically adjusted " Shiller PE "– which uses a10-ye a r average of earnings – the China market is even now almost as expensive as the US stock market was in1929 .

  11. 不仅如此,本周早些时候苹果iPhone4S发布时,库克也为席勒,福斯特及库留出了充分的时间亮相。

    And at the iPhone 4S announcement earlier this week , cook gave ample time to Schiller , Forstall and cue .

  12. 据CNN报道,苹果公司副总裁菲利普•席勒星期三下午在旧金山YerbaBuena中心介绍iPhone5时,“这是一个绝对的宝石,”他说。

    According to CNN , Apple Vice President Philip Schiller introduced the iPhone 5 at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon . " It 's an absolute jewel , " he said .

  13. 苹果营销高级副总裁菲尔•席勒(PhilSchiller)预料到了这类问题。他说,当这么多其他组件必须安装到一部智能手机里,单一用途的模拟式耳机接口“无意义”。

    Anticipating such questions , Phil Schiller , Apple 's senior vice-president of marketing , said that single-purpose analogue ports for headphones " don 't make sense " when so many other components have to be packed into a smartphone .

  14. 当苹果的营销主管菲尔•席勒(PhilSchiller)周三走上旧金山的舞台时,他把这种接口说成是19世纪遗留下来的产物,阻挡着21世纪的进步。

    When Phil Schiller , Apple 's marketing chief , took tothe stage in San Francisco on Wednesday , he portrayed the port as a hangover from the 19th century that was standing in the way of 21st century progress .

  15. 苹果营销负责人席勒点名挑战首席执行长库克,后者又将接力棒传给了Dr.Dre和华特-迪士尼公司(Disney)首席执行长伊热(BobIger)。库克还说,Dr.Dre拍摄视频的名声享誉全球。

    Schiller threw the spotlight on Apple chief Tim Cook , who in accepting passed the baton to Dr. Dre -- ' he 's been known to make a few videos , ' Cook said -- and Disney CEO Bob Iger .

  16. 据CNN报道,苹果公司副总裁菲利普•席勒星期三下午在旧金山YerbaBuena中心介绍iPhone5时,这是一个绝对的宝石,他说。

    According to CNN , Apple Vice President Philip Schiller introduced the iPhone 5 at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon . It 's an absolute jewel , he said .

  17. 《欢乐颂》摘自贝多芬第九交响曲的终曲合唱。唱词采用了席勒(FriedrichSchiller)的同名诗歌《欢乐颂》,是一部宏伟、充满着哲理旦性和英雄性的作品。

    " Ode an die Freude " was an excerpts from the last choral of the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven , which used Friedrich Schiller 's poem " Ode an die Freude ", is a gigantic work overflowed with philosophy and heroism .

  18. USDA《市场新闻》的一位匿名专家(因其未经该局官方授权代表该局表态)指出,目前许多像席勒这样的餐饮业主对这场“柠檬危机”反应冷静,只订购必要数量的柠檬。

    Schiller is one of many buyers taking the crisis in stride , holding out and only ordering as much as needed , according to a USDA Market News specialist who was granted anonymity because she was not authorized to speak publicly on behalf of her organization .

  19. 蒙克没有运用光影来描绘他周围的世界,而是通过各种实验将自己痛苦的情绪呈现为视觉。这种转变在某种程度上为席勒(EgonSchiele)等表现主义派以及后来的罗斯科(MarkRothko)等抽象表现主义派奠定了基础。

    Instead of playing with light and shadow to capture the world around him , Munch experimented with ways to visualize his own tormented emotions -- a shift that helped pave the way for the Expressionists like Egon Schiele along with later Abstract Expressionists like Mark Rothko .

  20. 席勒式问题实际是把席勒戏剧创作中的部分现象特点夸大化了。

    So some phenomena in his dramas were aggrandized to issue .

  21. 论席勒美论的独特角度及价值

    On the Unique Angle and Value of Schiller 's Aesthetic Principle

  22. 席勒美育思想的发展及其现实意义的研究

    Schiller 's Aesthetic Education Development and Its Practical Significance of Research

  23. 审美现代性视野中的席勒美育思想

    Schiller 's Aesthetic Education Thought in Aesthetic Modernity Field of Vision

  24. 席勒曾认为:歌队是一种有生命的垣墙。

    Schiller had thought : the chorus is a living Yuanqiang .

  25. 席勒的审美教育理论与素质教育概念

    Schiller 's Aesthetic Education Theory and the Definition of Quality Education

  26. (德国剧作家、诗人席勒.F.)

    ( Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet ) .

  27. 浅析席勒的历史悲剧《唐·卡洛斯》

    An Analysis of Schiller s Historical Tragedy Don Carlos ;

  28. 席勒正是基于这一系列问题展开其思想征程的。

    Schiller is based on this a series of problems onits journey .

  29. 在席勒的美学思想中,“自由”是一个贯穿始终的概念。

    The conception of freedom runs through the aesthetic thoughts of Schiller .

  30. 席勒:审美主义和主体间性美学的开拓者

    Schiller : the Pioneer of Aestheticism and Aesthetics of Inter-subjectivity