
  1. 以ERP作为辅助和管理决策工具的管理现代化浪潮正全面席卷而来。

    The tidal waves of modern management are sweeping through all of the world during which ERP is used as the auxiliary and strategic tools .

  2. 随着社会的快速发展,我们进入了E时代,知识迅猛增加,漫天铺地的信息冲击着我们,头脑风暴正向我们席卷而来。

    With the rapid development of the society , our life has been impacted by the rapidly increased knowledge and the great deal of information . We are facing the brain storm .

  3. 湖蓝收到果绿的信号后,带领手下席卷而来。

    Hulan fruit received the green signal , swept from his lead .

  4. 一阵席卷而来的东风使鸟飞低。

    An easterly gale blew up , making the birds fly low .

  5. 当我拿着圣诞老人时,美好回忆的潮水席卷而来。

    When I held the Santa , a flood of wonderful memories returned .

  6. 在欧洲现代性席卷而来之时,陀氏给予了清醒的审视和批判。

    When European modernism rolls up , Dostoevsky exams and criticizes it clearly .

  7. 一个台风正由太平洋席卷而来。

    A typhoon sweeps in from the pacific .

  8. 从内蒙古席卷而来的强烈沙尘暴使中国北方许多地区变模糊了。

    Strong sandstorms gusting from Inner Mongolia have darkened many areas of northern China .

  9. 随着全球化经济浪潮的席卷而来,我国已成为全球最大生产制造国。

    With the globalization of economy , China has become the biggest manufacturing country in the word .

  10. 在世界经济全球化的浪潮席卷而来时,世界各地的大学遇到了前所未有的挑战。

    When the world is overwhelmed by economic globalization , Chinese universities are faced with unprecedented challenges .

  11. 房地产广告便铺天盖地席卷而来,充斥着各大媒体和生活的各个角落。

    Various mass media and different corners of our life are fulfilled with overwhelming advertisement of estate .

  12. 低碳经济浪潮席卷而来。

    Low-carbon economy is coming .

  13. 在全球化浪潮席卷而来的今天,国家形象从来没有比现在更引人注目。

    Nowadays with the sweeping of globalization , state image has become the unprecedented focus of public attention .

  14. 有专家认为,这个沙坝阻挡了席卷而来的水流,由此形成的巨大漩涡将船只无情倾没。

    One theory was that this sandbank had blocked flowing waters and generated huge whirlpools that engulfed vessels .

  15. 在这个新的世界,如此危险的浪潮席卷而来,其速度之快令我们无法接受。

    In this new world , such dangerous currents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them .

  16. 这种垄断既是机遇,也是挑战,面对席卷而来的近代化潮流,国人并不是消极抵抗,而是始终以一种积极的姿态参与其中。

    Facing the violent modernization trend , Chinese chose a positive attitude to participate into it instead of passive resistance .

  17. 然而,我躲在树后刚把目光汇聚到它发光的身体时,一鼓寒冷至极的冷气向我席卷而来。

    Yet as I watched it 's blue glow hover through the trees , a deathly chill swept over me .

  18. 但是还没有人能够治愈这种疾病:如果停止服药,病毒就会甚嚣尘上的席卷而来。

    But no one has been cured : the virus comes roaring back in everyone who stops taking the drugs .

  19. 他说:他的喜剧才华如同席卷而来的暴风闪电,我们的欢笑就是持续不断的雷鸣之声。

    Robin was a lightning storm of comic genius and our laughter was the thunder that sustained him , said Spielberg .

  20. 我不断地在孩子们周围轮转量体温、喂果汁、换尿片尽力照看好每一个孩子,慢慢地疲倦席卷而来。

    I grew wearier as I scurried around , trying to care for each child : thermometers , juice , diapers .

  21. 但是当大风暴席卷而来,北边的洋流转而向东流去,屏障消失。

    But when a large storm rolls through , the barrier is switched off as strong northern flows are diverted eastward .

  22. 亲临现场,在她给你那眼神的那一刻,当爱情席卷而来时,你会永远铭记。

    Be there in the moment , when she gives you the look , that you remember forever , as when love overtook .

  23. 由于新问世的移动设备席卷而来,我们看到对于联网电视兴趣的下降。

    Our read on the downturn in interest is that this is due to the avalanche of new mobile devices coming into the market .

  24. 地球裂开了一个巨大的口子,表面喷出岩浆,天空降下了火雨,铺天盖地的洪水又以排山倒海之势席卷而来。

    The earth cracked a huge hole in the surface emitting lava , the sky rain down fire , flood Youyi overwhelming avalanche swept .

  25. 现在,图书馆开始推出所谓的电子借阅方式,这种方式起源于美国,并且向大西洋沿岸国家席卷而来。

    Now libraries are beginning to offer so-called e-lending , something which started in the US and has made its way across the Atlantic .

  26. 比尔:如果看电视,感觉会更糟,广告铺天盖地席卷而来。简直像是失控了一般。

    Bill : It 's worse if you watch TV , with attack ad after attack ad. It 's gotten completely out of hand .

  27. 与此同时,一个形象的表征&绿色,象大潮一样在全世界席卷而来。

    Meanwhile , an image of the characterization & the " green ", is as the popular opening to the world in the same currency .

  28. 这个73岁的建筑工程师父亲遮着脸走进法庭,被席卷而来的媒体的提问双手发抖。

    The73-year-old building engineer had entered the courtroom hiding his face behind the folder , his hands quivering , besieged by questions from the waiting media .

  29. 盎然生机从田野和远处丘陵席卷而来,使得我目光禁不住游离书本。

    Such vigour came rolling in from the fields and the down beyond that it was difficult to keep the eyes strictly turned upon the book .

  30. 你现在正处在龙卷风的中心,除了看到你的生活席卷而来,其它都看不到。

    Look ... you 're in the eye of the tornado right now , and you can 't see anything but your life swirling around you .