
xí zi
  • mat
席子 [xí zi]
  • [mat] 一种平整、相对说来很薄的物件,一般用柔韧而粗糙的材料制成,有矩形、椭圆形等各种形状,放在或铺在水平表面上,用作防护用品、支座或垫子

席子[xí zi]
  1. 植物材料制的席垫,席子和帘子

    Mat , matting and screens of vegetable materials

  2. 我朝房间里看去,看到了榻榻米席子、煮水的圆形炉和沏茶用具。

    I peer inside at the tatami matting , the circular hearth for boiling water and the tea-making utensils .

  3. 地板上铺着灯芯草席子。

    There was rush matting on the floor .

  4. 一些人给桌布绣花或编酒椰叶纤维席子。

    Some embroidered tablecloths or made raffia mats .

  5. 今天夜里有霜冻,别忘了用席子把白菜苫好。

    We shall have frost tonight , don 't forget to cover up the cabbages with the mat .

  6. 我被席子绊了一下,重重地摔了一跤。

    My foot caught in the mat and I fell heavily .

  7. 他们没有让你往房间里铺席子,明白了吗?

    They didn 't ask you to mat the room , understand ?

  8. 这张席子放在屋里太大,四边都折了起来。

    This mat is too big for the room , it laps over at the edges .

  9. 秦士喜出望外,信以为真,便用庄园附近的田地换下了这张破席子。

    Overjoyed to hear this , the Qin scholar believed it to be true . So he exchanged the land near his manor4 for this worn-out straw mat .

  10. 秦士以为,这只破碗比席子和手杖更加古老。于是,他用自己居住的宅院买下了这只破碗。

    The Qin scholar believed this broken bowl was more ancient than the straw mat and the walking stick , so he gave up his house and courtyard for the broken bowl .

  11. 一天,有个人拿着一张破席子,登门兜售,对秦士说:“当年,兽哀公设席,赐孔子坐,询问政事。这张正是当年孔子坐过的席子。”

    One day , a man came to his door to peddle3 a worn-out straw mat . He said to the Qin scholar : " In those years , Ai Gong of the State of Lu gave a seat to Confucius to inquire about political affairs . This was the very straw mat on which Confucius had sat. "

  12. 几天后,又有人端着一只破碗,对秦士夸耀说:“先生,席子和手杖都不是什么古董,而这只破碗,倒真正是夏梁时造的,比周朝更古远了。”

    A few days later , another man with a broken bowl boasted to the Qin scholar : " Sir , neither the straw mat nor the walking stick is a genuine antique , whereas this bowl was actually made in the time of King lie of the Xia Dynasty , which is more remote than the Zhou Dynasty . "

  13. Rocky渐渐地起床,从席子上,规划本身地逃窜。

    Rocky slowly got up from the mat , planning his escape .

  14. Cleanroom空气阵雨与蓝色地板发黏的席子。

    Cleanroom air shower with blue floor tacky mat .

  15. 必须把这张席子的边钉上。

    This mat has to be hammered down at the edges .

  16. 混乱是创意之门受欢迎的席子。

    Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity .

  17. 他们坐和玩应该在席子或沙发。

    They sit and play should in the mat or the sofa .

  18. 猫驱散了席子下面的老鼠。

    The cat scattered the fat rats under the mat .

  19. 他把点着的香烟从席子上捡起来。

    He plucked the burning cigarette up from the mat .

  20. 劳动的人们从田间归来转头,把席子展铺在院子里。

    The laborers home from their fields spread their mats in the courtyards .

  21. 这张席子磨损得很厉害。

    This mat has had a lot of wear .

  22. 做质地浓密的席子的石松;产于北美洲东部。

    Spikemoss forming dense mats ; eastern North America .

  23. 我得去买个新席子。

    I need to buy a new mat .

  24. 女人就又坐在席子上。

    She sat down on the mat again .

  25. 他在地板上铺上一张席子。

    He spread a mat on the floor .

  26. 我敢肯定我看见一只老鼠从席子上跑了过去。

    I 'm sure that was a mouse I saw scuttling across the mat .

  27. 他们正在地板上展了一张席子。

    They spread a mat on the floor .

  28. 把席子铺在地板上。

    Lay this mat over the floor .

  29. 他抖开那张肮脏的席子。

    He shook out the dirty mat .

  30. 四处是凹槽纵横的高地和犬牙交错的棱堡;那位老人用竹条编成犬牙交错的图案,制作席子。

    The old man made mats by weaving bamboo slats together into a jigsaw-like pattern .