- 网络sheet sand;sand sheet

The main reservoir rock is water channel , then the sand sheet , others are less .
The reservoir quality of bank of river facies , distributary channel of shallow delta , distal bar and distal channel of delta front , sand sheet , overbank of terminal fan take second place .
Es 4 in this area belongs to shallow lake deltaic deposit , with sandstone mainly of channel sand , interbasin sand , frontal sand and far bar .
Non-flattening Delta Front Sheet Sand & Evidence from Outcrops and Subsurface
The frontal sheet sand and far bar sand are relatively poor .
The distribution and influencing factors of microscopic remaining oil in sand sheet reser - voirs
This area mainly developed river mouth bar , delta front sheet sand and prodelta facies .
Fan-delta front , including underwater dis-tributary channel , inter-channel , shoreline and sheet-like sand sediments ;
It is suggested that the front blanket sand in a fan-delta is a good target for petroleum exploration .
And type ⅲ reservoir is dominated by far sand bars and sheet sand which is developed in high systems tract .
The frontier facies can be subdivided into underwater distributary channel subfacies , frontier sand subfacies and marginal sand sheet subfacies .
There are mat-shape sand , far bar , subwater channel and channel bar micro-facies for delta-front on west front belt .
The main sedimentary microfacies comprise distributary channel , mouth bar , distal bar , blanket sand , natural levee and crevasse splay .
The delta frontal subfacies developed 3 mirofacies : the river mouth sand dam , the frontal matting-like sand and the underwater channel .
The fine granularity of sandstone and high mica content make the blanket sandstone , mouth bar and distal bar the bad reservoir .
The major oil pay zones in this area are formed by fluvial channel sandstones within the first and second layer of the Fuyu Formation .
The sedimentary facies of the shallow water sediments are low stand tract deltas , and the sands are sub-water tributary , estuarine bar and sheet sands .
Sand bar sub-facies of lagoon , front delta , sheet sandstone of offshore sea are the best sedimentary facies belts for the oil & gas accumulation .
Submarine fans are formed from sediment-gravity flows in deep - sea environment and can be defined as channel-fill and lobe ( or sheet sandbody ) complexes .
Relationship between sedimentary facies and hydrocarbon distribution shows that most favorable oil and gas accumulation zones occur in the mouth bar , distal bar and sand sheet .
Sand bodies served as reservoirs in the study area are mainly underwater distributary channel sands , channel mouth bar sands , front sheet bar sands and far bar sands .
The types of sand bodies are mainly sand sheet and sand bar of delta front . The lithology of sandstone is mainly siltstone , and argillaceous siltstone , with high shale content .
Reservoir characteristics : Upper Miocene subaqueous fan deposition in the main reservoir of the Mackenzie Delta basin has been confirmed as braided channel , sheet sand , underwater natural levee and overflow sandstone .
It is found by dissecting the delta front sheet sands in Daqing Oilfield that though it is at outer front facies belt , there exists obvious characteristics of a water course in sheet sands .
Sedimentary micro-facies develops distributary channel , distributary interchannel , sheet sand , natural levee , crevasse splay , far sandbar and so on , in which the mainly types are distributary channel and distributary interchannel .
Detailed study of geological and production character indicated that the residual oil distributed in the area of the faulting shelter , the front edge of sand sheet sedimentary facies and the medium and low penetrative layers .
The oil displacement efficiency of meandering type of distributary channel was the lowest , while that of straight distributary channel was the highest , with that of the three categories of blanket sands at the middle .
During the early post glacial transgression , sea water erosion and reworking on early deposited sediments in the eastern shelf of the South Yellow Sea resulted in lag sand gravels , sheet like sands and tidal sand ridges .
According to the core analysis and well-test results , the submerged distributary channel was believed to be the main reservoir microfacies , debouch bar was the poor reservoir , and front sand sheet was worse reservoir relatively in this area .
The main conclusions run as follow : ( 1 ) The depositional system in study area belongs to braided-meandering river delta front deposit . The microfacies developments of underwater distributary channel , mouth bar , distributary bay and front sheet sand facies .