
sōng sǎn
  • loose;inattentive;take one's ease;relax


sōng san
  • relax;take one's ease
松散 [sōng sǎn]
  • (1) [loose]∶结构或排列不紧密

  • 松散的土

  • 砖头码得太松散容易倒下来

  • (2) [inattentive]∶松懈精神不集中

  • 精神松散

  • 这个班太松散,得好好整顿

  • (3) [take one's ease;relax]∶使轻松舒畅

  • 紧张了一下午,该松散松散了

松散[sōng sǎn]
松散[sōng san]
  1. 和多数研讨会一样,这些研讨会也比较松散随意。

    As seminars go , these are loose , unstructured affairs .

  2. 两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。

    Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel

  3. 我儿时的回忆是一些朦朦胧胧的松散片段。

    My memories of childhood are hazy and episodic .

  4. 他希望左翼力量形成一个松散的联盟。

    He wants a loose coalition of leftwing forces .

  5. 议员们抨击管理的松散和判断的失误。

    MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment .

  6. 该集团将不得不由一个松散的企业联合组织转变成一个全面整合的跨国集团。

    The group is having to metamorphose from a loose collection of businesses into a fully integrated multinational

  7. 咱们出去松散松散吧。

    Let 's go out for a breath of air .

  8. 文章结构松散。

    The article is loosely organized .

  9. 雪花是冰晶的松散凝结。

    Snowflakes are loose aggregates of ice crystals .

  10. 一只箱子装满铅和另一只同样大小的箱子装满松散的纸,哪一只箱子重?

    Which has more weight a box filled with lead , or a box of equal size filled with loose paper ?

  11. 缆绳端部状况良好及牢固,并无松散脱线。

    The ends of ropes are in good condition and secured without unravelling .

  12. 从风格上来说,这个名称意味着松散而迅速的绘画笔触,奔放的格调,使用强烈配色。

    Stylistically , the term implies loose , rapid painthandling , large rhythms and broken colour .

  13. 在同样情况下,其他种类的千足虫可能会蜷缩成较为松散的螺旋形圆盘,或者形成溜圆的圆球

    Other types of millipedes may curl into a looser , sloppier spiral or form a neat ball .

  14. 中央纪委监察部3日在其网站上刊登的一篇文章指出,由于监管松散,国有企业的管理人员都把国有资产看做“唐僧肉”。

    In an article published by the Communist Party of China 's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection2 on its website on Monday , the top discipline watchdog pointed3 out , that because of loose supervision4 , the officials managing some State-owned enterprises regard the companies as such " monk flesh " .

  15. 基于WEBService的松散耦合分布式电子政务系统

    The Loose Coupling Distributed E-Government System Based on Web Service

  16. 使得基于WEBService的就业信息系统备松散耦合、面向组件和跨技术实现的特点。

    Makes the Web Service-based employment information systems were loosely coupled , component-oriented and cross-technology features .

  17. 提出在多Agent组织系统中,采用松散型协同工作方式实现分布式问题求解。

    This paper applies teamwork mode on distributed problem solving in multi-agent organization system .

  18. Web服务正在成为一种基于标准技术的计算平台,能够支持构建松散耦合的广域分布式系统。

    Web Service is becoming a standard-based computing platform and supports construction of loosely coupled wide-area distributed systems .

  19. Web服务技术利用XML语言做为基础,实现了跨平台,跨数据库之间的松散耦合。

    Web Services use XML as foundation language to realize loosely coupling different databases and OSs .

  20. 与客户机与服务之间采用紧密耦合的情况(会尽可能减少冗余)不同,松散耦合WebServices需要大量的冗余。

    Loosely coupled Web services require substantial redundancies unlike tight coupling between clients and service , which minimizes redundancies .

  21. 厚松散层下近风化带保水采煤的GIS研究

    Research on Water-Keeping Mining Under Thick Unconsolidated Strata Adjacent to Weathered Zone with GIS

  22. g被大部分除去,胶原纤维得到了较好的松散。

    Is removed , and the fibers of collagen are well opened - up .

  23. Web服务作为新型的分布式计算技术,为编写松散耦合的分散式应用程序提供了一个非常优秀的方案。

    As a new distributed computing technology , Web service provides a very excellent scheme for compiling coupling distracted form application .

  24. 当Web服务无论资源是否缺乏通常均以松散耦合方式运行时会出现一些问题。

    The issues come into play when Web services , normally loosely coupled , run whether the resource is scarce or not .

  25. 松散类型描述的一个例子就是将消息的实际内容编码为单个字符串的Web服务。

    One example of a loosely typed description is web service that encodes the actual content of a message as a single string .

  26. 作为一种面向服务的计算模式,Web服务具有松散耦合、与平台无关等优点,能简化跨组织应用的共享与集成,得到了快速发展和应用。

    As a service-oriented computing model , Web Services technology is loosely-coupled and platform-independent , and it simplifies the application integration between different organizations .

  27. 一个具有WebService能力的基础设施,能够支持智能直接通讯,并支持在松散耦合和解耦业务组件之间的间接关联。

    " A Web-services-capable infrastructure that supports intelligently directed communication and mediated relationships among loosely coupled and decoupled biz components . "( Source : Gartner Group )

  28. 目前,工作流管理系统正向具有松散耦合、高度可集成的方向发展,面向Web服务的工作流技术正在倍受关注。

    Nowadays , Workflow management system is to have a loose coupling , highly integrated development , web services oriented workflow technology is much concern .

  29. 在多Agent系统中,各个Agent之间是一种松散耦合的关系,彼此之间相互独立、自主活动,又可实现互操作。

    In multi-Agent system , each Agent is a loose coupling relationship , independent , autonomous activity , but also to achieve interoperability .

  30. 另外对于比较松散聚类结构,AP算法倾向于产生较多的局部聚类。

    In addition , AP algorithm tends to produce more local clustering .