
  • 网络Huizhou Documents;the official of huizhou
  1. 徽州文书的史学学术价值;

    2 , academic values of Huizhou ' Documents in history ;

  2. 徽州文书的数量估测和计量方法;

    4 , classification and study of Huizhou ' Documents ;

  3. 徽州文书的分类法与整理方法;

    5 , estimation of amounts and methods of amounting of Huizhou ' Documents ;

  4. 徽州文书所见清末地方师范教育及其困境

    The Normal Education and Its Difficult Position of Late Qing Dynasty from Huizhou Local Documents

  5. 徽州文书遗存的原因

    The reasons of Huizhou official remains

  6. 关于徽州文书的计量标准

    The Measuring Standard of Huizhou Documents

  7. 徽州文书所见明清时代妇女的地位与权利

    The Position and Rights of Women During the Ming and Qing as Seen in the Huizhou Documents

  8. 在肯定了徽州文书的史料价值和学术价值后,概述了徽州文书传统的分类整理情况。

    This paper has affirmed Huizhou documents historical data value and academic value , outlined the Huizhou document classification and study situation .

  9. 徽学之所以成为一门新学科,根本原因是大量徽州文书的发现;没有徽州文书,就不可能出现徽学。

    The fundamental reason that the studies of Huizhou has become a new sub discipline lies in the discovery of the Huizhou documents .

  10. 本文从新史学的角度论证了徽州文书档案对学术研究的重大作用。

    From the angle of new-historiography , this article proves that the copy files of Huizhou have a great effect on academic research .

  11. 今天,当更多的文书资料特别是徽州文书得以整理面世后,对滋贺秀三著作中存在的问题,似乎有可能提出质疑和讨论了。

    Today , more materials , especially the Huizhou documents , seem to enable the challenge and discussion on the problems in the work .

  12. 徽州文书档案来源于民间,它的研究有助于新史学自下而上研究方法的实践和运用。

    Since copy files of Huizhou originated from the folk , the study on it can contribute to the practice and application of new-historiography 's research methods from bottom to top .

  13. 学术界到目前为止还没有统一的关于徽州文书统计计量的标准,而这却是徽州文书整理工作中首先要解决的问题。

    So far the academic circles haven 't agreed on a unified measuring standard of Huizhou documents , whereas this is a problem that should be solved first in the collection of Huizhou documents .

  14. 正是由于徽州文书的学术价值被发现,才出现了以徽州文书研究为中心、综合研究社会实态、探寻中国古代社会后期发展变化规律的新学科&徽学。

    It was the discovery of the academic values of these documents that has touched off the emergence of this new sub discipline to explore in a comprehensive manner social realities and look for the law of changes and developments of ancient Chinese society in its later stages .

  15. 对已发现的徽州文书,应以其形成和留存方式的内容完整性与独立物理存在性为计量标准确定的基础,由之,确定以份和部为基本计量单位。

    This article proposes that the content integrity and independent physical existence concerning the formation and preservation of the already discovered documents should be taken as the basis of the measuring standard . Thus ," copy " and " book " could be used as the basic measuring unit .

  16. 公匣制度与明清徽州民间文书的保存

    Xia System and the Preservation of Folk Document in Huizhou

  17. 20世纪50年代,徽州历史文书档案的大量发现,是决定因素。

    Its decisive factor is the discovery of the large quantity of historical files and contracts in the 1950s .

  18. 作者以所搜集到的徽州祭祖文书为基础,按照祭祀的性质,将清代徽州的祭祖活动分成三类。

    The author collected the Huizhou-based instruments in ancestor worship , according to the nature of sacrifice , the sacrificial activities in the Qing Dynasty were divided into three categories .