
  • 网络Dysthymia;dysthymic;dysthymic disorder;dysphoria
  1. 抑郁症与心境恶劣障碍患者的甲状腺素水平

    Levels of thyroid hormones in patients with depression and dysthymia disorder

  2. 结果抑郁组患者入睡困难、睡眠维持困难、睡眠过度及晨醒时伴心境恶劣倾向的发生率高于对照组(P<0.01);

    Results The incidence of difficulty in falling asleep , sleep maintenance , hypersomnia and early morning arousal dysthymia in PSD group was higher than that of the control group ( P < 0.001 );

  3. 重性抑郁障碍与心境恶劣障碍患者若干临床问题的比较研究

    Comparative study on some clinical problems between patients with major depressive disorder and with dysthymic disorder

  4. 心境恶劣、抑郁症、躯体疾病伴抑郁、适应障碍是其主要类型,患病率分别为194%、087%、079%、051%。适应障碍青少年人格特点与父母教养方式关系研究

    The prevalence of dysthymia , depression , depressive status related to systemic disease and adjustment disorders were 1.94 % , 0.87 % , 0.79 % and 0.51 % , respectively . Personality traits and parental rearing practices in adolescents with adjustment disorders

  5. 即使在心境最恶劣的时候,如果我们以怜悯之心宽慰自己,而不是自责,我们就能够应对巨大的挑战,而不会发生焦虑或抑郁。

    Even in the worst of times , if we are treating ourselves with compassion instead of self-judgment , we may be able to manage big challenges without anxiety or depression .