
huāng yuán
  • wilderness;wasteland;desert;barren;desolate
荒原 [huāng yuán]
  • [desolate;wilderness] 荒凉的原野;未耕种或无人耕种的地带

  • 这片空旷的荒原向各方面伸展着

荒原[huāng yuán]
  1. 他们在荒原上拓出大片农田。

    They opened up large areas of wasteland and turned them into farmland .

  2. 现代灵魂的自我拯救:《荒原狼》中的宗教意识

    Self-Rescue of Modern Soul : Rigional Sense in Wolf of Wasteland

  3. 这首诗令人想起艾略特的《荒原》。

    The poem recalls Eliot 's ' The Waste Land ' .

  4. 那旅馆岿然独立,周围是一片荒原。

    The hotel stands in splendid isolation , surrounded by moorland .

  5. 南极洲是世界上最後一個大荒原。

    The Antarctic is the world 's last great wilderness .

  6. 这个镇子是个文化荒原。

    The town is a cultural dead zone .

  7. 她抛开城市的绚烂,去苏格兰荒原居住。

    She forsook the glamour of the city and went to live in the wilds of Scotland .

  8. 一些农场和农舍散落在方圆几英里的荒原上。

    There are farms and cottages scattered all over the moors for miles around .

  9. 犬儒主义者把世界看成一片荒原,他们的唯一乐趣就是让别人也把世界看成一片不毛之地。

    Cynics are only happy in making the world as barren to others as they have made it for themselves .

  10. 荒原上一些直立的石块是古老宗教的遗迹。

    Some upright stones in wild places are the vestige of ancient religions .

  11. 被很多人认为是英国最大的荒原之一。

    Dartmoor is considered by many to be one of Britain 's great nature wildernesses . Dartmoor

  12. 在我看来,从《无际荒原》到《冷峻六千》,艾尔罗伊创作的这五部作品质量都很高,不弱于任何其他犯罪小说作家的作品集。

    For my money8 , Ellroy 's five-book run from The Big Nowhere to The Cold Six Thousand is as strong as any crime author has put together .

  13. 无论是春天、夏天还是秋天,草地和荒原上总是铺满了一层明黄色的小花,这种开着黄花的植物就是蒲公英。

    All through the summer , and during spring and autumn as well , our meadows and waste places are thickly dotted with the bright-yellow flowers of the common weed called the dandelion .

  14. 该片的故事背景设定在一个女性全体灭绝的荒原星球上,所有男性的想法都可以在他们头部周围闪烁的光环中看到和听到。

    The film is set on a wilderness10 planet where all the women have died , and all the men 's thoughts can be seen and heard in auras that shimmer11 around their heads .

  15. 影片的核心是谦卑的库奇(约翰·马加罗饰演)和野心勃勃的路金(奥赖恩·李饰演)之间迅速成长的友情,两人都是身无分文的外来者,梦想着在绿色荒原上创业。

    At its heart is the burgeoning8 friendship between the humble9 Cookie ( John Magaro ) and the ambitious King-Lu ( Orion Lee ) , two penniless outsiders who dream of establishing a business in the green wilderness10 .

  16. 非洲荒原深处的库尔兹是马洛内心隐藏而疯狂的本我(id);

    Kurtz in the depth of the African wilderness can be seen as the " id " of marlow , the hidden man marlow ;

  17. 最初他们的印刷机小得可以放在一只厨房餐桌上,但是他们后来的出版物包括了艾略特的《荒原》(1922),马克西姆.高尔基,E。

    Originally their printing machine was small enough to fit on a kitchen table , but their publications later included T.S.Eliot 's Waste Land ( 1922 ), fiction by Maxim Gorky , E.

  18. AMC电视台开播一档同《行尸走肉》题材类似的美剧——《荒原》,该剧虽然娱乐血腥,但却没有僵尸哦。

    AMC finds a bloody , fun and entertaining non-zombie counterpart to ' The Walking Dead ' - - Into the Badlands .

  19. Phil将向我们展示怎样在荒原上寻找水源,同时他将会向我们展示,他可以在几乎没有任何东西的情况下生存下来。

    Phil is going to show us where to find water in this arid land , and he 'll show you he can survive with almost nothing .

  20. 这标志着NASA在立场上发生转变。此前他们反复强调,不要太过期待在这片遍地砂砾的荒原上栖居着生物。

    That marks a shift in tone for NASA , where officials have repeatedly played down the notion that the dusty and desolate landscape of Mars could be inhabited today .

  21. Dartmoor被很多人认为是英国最大的荒原之一。

    Dartmoor is considered by many to be one of Britain 's great nature wildernesses .

  22. Everbridge的客户现在可以用这套系统联系到3500万名美国人,不论他们身在都市的钢铁丛林里,还是在“龙卷风走廊”的荒原上。

    Everbridge customers currently reach some 35 million Americans , from urban jungles to the plains of tornado alley .

  23. 如果没有庞德,艾略特的大作《荒原》可能只叫做HeDoThePoliceInDifferentVoices这样让你陌生的名字。事实上,庞德经常指导有前途的年轻作家,从欧内斯特·海明威到詹姆斯·乔伊斯,都曾在他的帮助下成名。

    Without Pound , Eliot 's masterpiece " The Waste Land " might still be known as " He Do The Police In Different Voices . " In fact , Pound had a habit of mentoring promising young authors who later became famous , helping to popularize everyone from Ernest Hemingway to James Joyce .

  24. 最大的问题就是荒原狼(Steppenwolf)这个角色,他就是个超级大反派。

    The dude in question is Steppenwolf , and his thing is basically just that he 's super evil .

  25. 牛头人已经开始从兽人的杜隆坦(Durotar)王国穿越荒原重建他们的莫高罗(Mulgore)王国。

    The tauren have begun the reconstruction of their nation of Mulgore , across the Barrens from the orc nation of Durotar .

  26. 同时,人类放弃了以往对宗教神灵以及伦理道德的恐惧心理,坚信理性主义与人类自身的能力。T.S.艾略特认为这样只能导致死亡与荒原的出现。

    Meanwhile , the fear of religious deity and ethics used to be observed by human beings are replaced by the strong belief in Liberalism and the power of mankind , the only possible result of which , as is noted by Eliot , is death and desert .

  27. 每天晚上我们都会去那片荒原

    Every evening , we 'd go out onto the moor .

  28. 只有单轨铁路,周围都是荒原。

    There was just a single line and moors all around .

  29. 吹过荒原的狂风,声音那样尖锐。

    The noise of the wind over the heath was shrill .

  30. 在荒原上飞机转眼就会看到我。

    On the moor it would see me in a minute .