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huāng liáng
  • desolation;wild;barren;bleak and desolate
荒凉 [huāng liáng]
  • [bleak and desolate;barren;wild] 荒芜冷落。形容旷野无人的景况

  • 一个荒凉的村庄

荒凉[huāng liáng]
  1. 房子面朝一片萧瑟荒凉的风景。

    The house looked out over a bleak and desolate landscape .

  2. 这儿是这座城市中荒凉而了无人烟的地方。

    It 's a bleak and desolate part of the country .

  3. 感觉这就像是天底下最荒凉的地方。

    It felt like the loneliest place in the world .

  4. 大多数岛屿基本上都是一片荒凉、渺无人烟。

    Many of the islands are mainly wild and underpopulated .

  5. 我们放眼望去,眼前是一片荒凉的废墟。

    We looked out upon a scene of desolation and ruin

  6. 他们沿着一条坑坑洼洼布满车辙印的荒凉小路向内地进发。

    They headed inland on a forlorn road that was rutted and pocked

  7. 昔日金碧辉煌的宫殿显得空寂而又荒凉。

    The once glorious palaces stood empty and forlorn .

  8. 这种荒凉的景象将深深铭刻在一代柏林人的记忆中。

    This stark image will remain etched in the memory of a generation of Berliners .

  9. 这座岛屿一片荒凉。

    The island 's pretty bleak .

  10. 这座城市毫不妥协的荒凉面貌是对其神秘莫测的创建者的永久纪念。

    The city 's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders .

  11. 就在你下方,不过是在50英里开外的,是一片你能想象到的最荒凉的不毛之地。

    Below you , though still 50 miles off , is the most treeless stretch of land imaginable .

  12. 那可能是我见过的最荒凉的岛屿,荒无人烟,寸草不生。

    That 's probably the most bare , bleak , barren and inhospitable island I 've ever seen .

  13. 那可能是我不幸看到的最光秃、最荒凉的岛屿。

    That 's probably the most bare and bleak island I 've ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on

  14. 干燥的石墙看起来也许荒凉且毫无生机,但它们为动植物提供了宝贵的栖息地。

    Dry stone walls may appear stark and lifeless , but they provide a valuable habitat for plants and animals .

  15. 那座农场寂静而荒凉。

    The farm was silent and bleak .

  16. 在那个荒凉的地方我们一天也呆不下去了。

    We couldn 't stay out there in that desolation another day .

  17. 过去这里是荒凉的穷山沟。

    This used to be a bleak and barren gully .

  18. 我曾在世界上最荒凉、最原始的地区工作过。

    I have worked in the wildest and most uncivilized parts of the world .

  19. 激浪轰隆隆地拍打着荒凉的海岸。

    Surf booms upon a desolate shore .

  20. 纳塔丽耸耸肩膀。“我不知道,勃拉尼,这是个荒凉的地方。”

    Natalie shuddered . " I don 't know . it 's a godforsaken place , briny . "

  21. 园子虽然荒凉,却别有野趣。

    The garden , in its neglected and forlorn state , has a rustic charm of its own .

  22. 园地上好久没人收拾,一片荒凉。

    The park wore an aspect of utter dreariness and ruin .

  23. 那个地方有点荒凉。

    The place is a bit lonely .

  24. 驶过金门大桥后,GPS就引导我们顺着101高速公路,沿着荒凉的太平洋海岸一路向北,驶过参天的红杉林,来到俄勒冈州威拉米特河谷那规划得整整齐齐的葡萄园。

    After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge , GPS guided us North on Highway 101 along the wild Pacific coast , then through giant stands of redwoods and in to the geometrically precise vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon .

  25. 在一堆垃圾旁边散落的几个bra做慵懒状挂在树枝上,到是为这荒凉的场景平添了一些喜剧色彩。

    and beside another heap of refuse a stray bra hangs lazily from the branch of a tree lending a comic touch to the bleak scene .

  26. Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律)保护。

    One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected .

  27. 很多人将这里比作今日的风沙侵蚀区。摄影师MattBlack将这些都记录了下来,这些荒凉的照片令人可怕地想起摄影师们创作的真实反映风沙侵蚀区的作品,这些摄影师们包括DorotheaLange和ArthurRothstein。

    Many have likened it to a modern day Dust Bowl , andphotographer Matt Black has been documenting it all , producing starkimages that are eerily reminiscent of the work produced by actual Dust Bowlphotographers , including Dorothea Lange and ArthurRothstein .

  28. 有人需要这样做,沿着海岸找,TakayukiUeno说,他上周末为了他三岁的儿子的遗骨搜索了一个荒凉的冬天海滩。

    Somebody needs to do this , walking along the shore , said Takayuki Ueno , who at the weekend combed a desolate winter beach for the bones of his three-year-old son .

  29. 大雨将把泥土从荒凉的山丘上冲走。

    Heavy rain will wash away the soil from desolate hills .

  30. 凝重压抑与荒凉悲哀&曹禺、张爱玲家族情结之比较

    A Comparison between CAO Yu and ZHANG Ai-ling 's Family Complex