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àn xiānɡ
  • Dark fragrance;aroma/fragrance which is not strong but very persistent
暗香 [àn xiāng]
  • [plum]梅花的代称

  • 疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。--林逋《山园小梅》

  1. 繁杂刻板的日子里,让暗香浮动,烛光摇曳,影映石上,几分晶莹,几分甜蜜,随香而至。

    Let the fragrant drift and drag under the candlelight , reflect the shadow on the stone as it carries a little bite of clarity and sweetness .

  2. 这里“暗香型女性”,是指以细腻和典雅的气质取胜的女性,她们看似低调实则高明,在职场中比花枝招展型更能赢得同事的好感和上司的信赖。

    Some female office workers are popular with colleagues , earning their superiors ' trust more easily because they keep a low profile though they are professionally sophisticated and tastefully polished , in sharp contrast to their flamboyant peers .

  3. 通常晚上我都喜欢Prada的原味香水,或者AlexanderMcQueen的Kingdom,因为他们都有诱人的暗香&过时的松粉魅力。

    Usually at night I favour Prada 's original fragrance , or Alexander McQueen 's Kingdom , because they have an inviting backstage aura to them ; an old-fashioned loose-powder glamour .

  4. 蛾儿雪柳黄金缕,笑语盈盈暗香去。

    Moths abuse sweet golden thread , to hear laughter floats .

  5. 寒夜,夜色凝重,暗香浮动,寂寞重叠。

    Cold Night , night dignified , subtle fragrance floating , lonely overlap .

  6. 遥知不是雪为有暗香来&以中国移动通信广告为例谈企业文化烛照下的美学策略

    The Esthetics Strategy Under the Illumination of Enterprise Culture & China Mobile Communication Advertisement

  7. 我在暗香里游曳,孤独的灵魂伴着零乱的舞步。

    I swam in the subtle fragrance drag , accompanied by a lonely soul chaotic dance .

  8. 徜徉在这碧波翠绿之中,清风徐徐,暗香阵阵,怎不令人心旷神怡。

    Immersed in the green among blue waves , the wind slowly , subtle fragrance bursts are truly breathtaking .

  9. 哪怕法兰西美女仅出现在荧幕上,就带来袭人暗香。

    When French femmes fatales appear on the silver screen , we seem to be almost embraced by a pleasant fragrance .

  10. 伊甸威尔无醇汽酒蕴涵着成熟苹果的清雅芬芳,热带水果的淡淡香味,以及青柠的暗香。

    EDENVALE Sparkling Cuvee displays a subtle yet fragrant aroma of ripe apples and subdued tropical fruits with zesty citrus overtones .

  11. 真正的魅力,是暗香,是花朵留着的那个香,对于人来说就是知识还有思想的深度。

    The real charm , is faint fragrance from the withering flower , to our human beings the knowledge and the spiritual depth .

  12. 真正的美女,就像一首歌叫《暗香》:“当花瓣离开花朵,暗香残留”。

    A really beautiful woman should be like the song " Faint Fragrance ": When the petals depart from he flower , the faint fragrance remains .

  13. 从此,为你我愿借一缕浮动的暗香,裹起你激情的心房,拂走你所有的彷徨。

    Henceforth , hopes taking advantage of a wisp of fluctuation dark fragrance for your me , binds your fervor the atrium , strokes your all pacing back and forth .

  14. 即或是在家宅中饮,也常设宴于庭院,以领略那“东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖”的情趣。

    Or in the family home in which to drink , often hosted in the courtyard to enjoy it ," Tori wine evening , a subtle fragrance surplus sleeve " taste .

  15. 若隐若现,却掩藏不住极具诱惑人的暗香,越过窗棂,就这样缔结一段美丽的邂逅,在缘分的红绳牵绊下,彼此相爱今生余下的岁月!

    If , but hid attractive people across the hidden Windows , so , concluded a beautiful encounter in the red cord baffel fate , love each other in the rest of the years !

  16. 暗香残留我是一名化学高级工程师,肤白、温柔、知性、独立、性感,无负担,希望找一个爱我的男士。

    I am a chemistry senior engineer , The skin white , gentle , knows the nature , the independence , the sex appeal , Does not have the burden , The hope looks for one to love me the gentleman .