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yōu xiāng
  • a delicate fragrance
幽香 [yōu xiāng]
  • [delicate fragrance] 淡雅的香味

  • 野芳发而幽香。--宋. 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》

幽香[yōu xiāng]
  1. 兰花幽香四溢。

    The orchids give out a delicate fragrance .

  2. 有了月季,也就有了幽香。

    With Rose , and will have a delicate fragrance .

  3. 股股幽香沁润到肺腑。

    Whiffs of delicate fragrance penetrated to the heart .

  4. 在她差点跌倒时,一股幽香让她停下脚步。

    When she just about fall over , a waft of fragrance makes her stop .

  5. 他先用名贵的木兰做了一只精巧的小匣子,又用幽香的牡桂和花椒把匣子熏了一下,并且在匣子上面镶了碧绿的翡翠,还嵌上引人注目的玫瑰石,整个匣子装演得十分考究。

    First he used rare lily magnolia to make a small exquisite . The whole case was decorated in an extremely exquisite way .

  6. 有年份的红酒,更显幽香。

    Much older the wine , much more delicate fragrance .

  7. 温热的气息散发出醉人的幽香;

    The worm breath gaving off an intoxicating scent .

  8. 兰花是我国古老名花之一,每当春季花开之时,幽香清远。

    When open in spring , a faint fragrance can be smelled far away .

  9. 花发出一阵幽香。

    The flowers gave off a fragrant odor .

  10. 镇外漂来玫瑰的幽香。

    The rose is out of town .

  11. 走在路上,一阵沁人心脾的桂花幽香蕴蕴入鼻。

    Walk on the road , a burst refreshing fragrant of cassia flowers enter nose .

  12. 我想要闻闻玫瑰的幽香。

    I want to smell the roses .

  13. 空荡荡的房间传来阵阵幽香

    The empty room that once smelled sweetly

  14. 爱恋的诗篇里是梅花的幽香

    Altitude of plum petals with romance among

  15. 晚上观察玉兰是最好的,清新的空气里混着玉兰的幽香扑面而来。

    Magnolia is the best observed at night , fresh air blowing from Hunzhe Magnolia 's fragrance .

  16. 遭受台风的果园虽令人无奈,但它却有无限的幽香。

    Although the orchard suffering a stage manner making people have no choice , it has boundless delicate fragrance but .

  17. 水、蛋白质、脂肪、核糖核酸、碳水化合物及少量矿物质,气味幽香。

    【 Elements 】: water , protein , fat , ribotide , carbohydrate and a few mineral , with dedicated fragrance .

  18. 浓浓的中国民俗风情,像一丛静谧的兰草,飘散了几个世纪的幽香。

    Rich Chinese folk customs , like a cluster of fragrant thoroughworts , have sent forth a delicate fragrance for many centuries .

  19. 幽香可使你进入甜美的梦境。即使在深度睡眠中,你周围的环境也会影响你的梦幻世界。

    Good smells give you pleasant dreams , Even in deep sleep , the world around you can flavor your dream world .

  20. 思念像一条流不尽的江河,思念像一片温柔的流云,思念像一朵幽香阵阵的鲜花,思念像一曲余音袅袅的箫音。

    Missing is like an endless river , a tender and soft cloud , a fragrant flower and a music of bamboo flute .

  21. 时而闻到一股幽香,就象有许多目不能见的小人在草地上奔跑,把青草的香气踩了出来似的。

    Delicious fragrance came to them , as if little invisible creatures were running and treading scent out of the blades of grass .

  22. 德国的研究人员发现,在睡眠中,一束花或熏衣草护肤膏的幽香都会帮你的大脑创造出美梦幻境。

    German researchers have found that a bouquet of flowers or lavender lotion at bedtime can help your brain to manufacture beautiful dreamscapes .

  23. 茶总是烧到最滚烫时才够味,但我还是喜欢喝二遍茶,有一种淡淡的幽香。

    Always burn hot tea when the most flavoursome , but I like to drink tea two times , has a light , delicate fragrance .

  24. 他先用名贵的木兰做了一只精巧的小匣子,又用幽香的牡桂和花椒把匣子熏了一下。

    First he used rare lily magnolia to make a small exquisite case which he fumigated with the delicate fragrance of osmanthuses and Chinese prickly ashes .

  25. 这如画般的景色经常伴随着雌树上落下的成熟果实的味道,而这味道可不能称作浪漫的幽香。

    This picturesque scene is often accompanied by a far less romantic odor as the ripened berries from the female trees also fall to the ground .

  26. 人生犹如一场电影,当你再次倘徉在那熟悉的市井,回味的是旧日咖啡的幽香和卡萨布兰卡的旋律。

    Life likes a film , when you linger in the familiar street , remind the fragrance of coffee and cantus of Casablanca in the old days .

  27. 我国具有丰富的兰科植物资源,其部分种类高雅幽香,具有极高的观赏价值和经济价值,一些品种还具有珍贵的药用价值。

    Cymbidium plant has abundant resources in china , and some species were liked by Chinese , because of elegant fragrance , very high ornamental value and economic value .

  28. 在冲泡过程中,兰花吸收水分而徐徐展开,如同兰花在大自然中自由开放,同时散发出阵阵兰花幽香,真让人心旷神怡,美不胜收。

    When pickling , the orchid flowers open out slowly like they do in the nature because of water absorption , at the same time it emits orchid flowers aromatic .

  29. 桂子幽香,夹着秋风与秋月,还有那秋叶随风而舞,生生地就是一番秋景让你陶醉于其中。

    Seeds fragrance , tucked autumn with the moon , there was the wind and dance Akiba , Chow Sang Sang is something Qiujing to let you revel in it .

  30. 就这样,她把含蓄和内敛蕴涵成一种幽香,绝对的干净和纯粹,感动苍茫大地!

    Hence she compresses her reticence and temperance into a refined fragrance , clean and pure , to touch the vast land ! There is no need of propagation or exaltation ;