
yōu mò
  • humorous;comedy
幽默 [yōu mò]
  • [humorous] 诙谐风趣而又意味深长

  • 笔调幽默的故事

幽默[yōu mò]
  1. 他很幽默,我喜欢他这一点。

    He was quite humorous , and I liked that about him .

  2. 约翰·列侬抽时间出版了两本幽默散文。

    John Lennon found time to publish two books of his humorous prose .

  3. 他的发言给整个活动增添了一丝幽默的气氛。

    His comments injected a note of humour into the proceedings .

  4. 我无法忍受毫无幽默感的人。

    I can 't stand people with no sense of humour .

  5. 这项调查显示,英国人的幽默是首屈一指的。

    In the survey the Brits come out tops for humour .

  6. 她的幽默感已经传给了她的孩子。

    Her sense of fun has rubbed off on her children .

  7. 只有能理解法国式的幽默才会领略这部电影的趣味。

    The film is only funny if you appreciate French humour .

  8. 我讨厌和没有幽默感的人打交道。

    I can 't abide people with no sense of humour .

  9. 几分幽默使她的讲话更为有趣。

    Her speech was leavened with a touch of humour .

  10. 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。

    I 'm afraid he doesn 't possess a sense of humour .

  11. 她首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。

    What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour .

  12. 他把这个角色演得十分幽默。

    He interpreted the role with a lot of humour .

  13. 她在剧中把她那个角色的幽默发挥得淋漓尽致。

    She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play .

  14. 他没什么幽默感。

    He is not noted for his sense of humour .

  15. 英国人的幽默感很奇特。

    The British have a very odd sense of humour .

  16. 这部剧的幽默是刻意而为的,而且牵强做作。

    The humour of the play is self-conscious and contrived .

  17. 幽默是比暴力更有效的防御武器。

    Humour is a more effective defence than violence .

  18. 那首诗幽默地描述了当地的人物和传统。

    The poem humorously describes local characters and traditions .

  19. 他的演讲少有轻松幽默的地方。

    There was little comic relief in his speech .

  20. 她的幽默很独特。

    She has her very own brand of humour .

  21. 那部电影把粗俗幽默和浪漫故事结合在一起。

    The movie mixes broad humor with romance .

  22. 简有一种恶作剧的幽默感。

    Jane has a wicked sense of humour .

  23. 他话不多,很幽默,却又不形于色,让人很愉快。

    He was a man of few words with a delightful dry sense of humour .

  24. 作为一个生活伴侣,最重要的素质之一是幽默感。

    One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour .

  25. “真是个掩埋尸体的风水宝地。”她以黑色幽默打趣道。

    ' Good place to bury the bodies , ' she joked with black humour .

  26. “嗯,它至少不是紫色的。”她不动声色地幽默了一句。

    ' Well , at least it 's not purple , ' she commented drily .

  27. 别担心,你不久就会适应他的幽默感。

    Don 't worry ─ you 'll soon get used to his sense of humour .

  28. 这本书充满了萧伯纳独特的爱尔兰式幽默与嘲讽。

    This book is suffused with Shaw 's characteristic wry Irish humour

  29. 他用自己不可思议的幽默感逗我开心。

    He used his incredible sense of humour to lift my spirits

  30. 他的幽默感让他能够平静地面对对手。

    His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity