
  • Princess Mononoke;Mononoke-hime
  1. 《幽灵公主》是其重要作品之一,公映后产生很大的影响。

    One of his masterpieces , Princess Mononoke , has had a great influence since its public release .

  2. 在《幽灵公主》一片中,广袤无垠的原始森林、树木、花朵以及狼群无不呼应着这一生态意识。

    This ecological consciousness is echoed in Princess Mononoke with a giant primordial forest , trees , flowers and wolves .

  3. 《风之谷》、《幽灵公主》等作品的孤儿有着献身精神,但他们积极乐观。

    Just like orphans of Valley of the Winds and Mononoke Hime have the dedication , but they are positive and optimistic .

  4. 我去找看过这部影片的朋友与他们共同探讨关于《幽灵公主》的话题,听听他们的想法。

    I went to my friends who had seen this movie and brought up the subject of Princess Mononoke just to see their thoughts .

  5. 我意识到自己有些脱题了,这文章本来应该是关于《幽灵公主》的。我只是觉得,它是我热爱吉卜力电影的所有特质的一个很好的综合体。

    I know I sort of digressed , and this was supposed to be about Princess Mononoke , but I just think it 's a fine example of all these traits that I have come passionately love about Studio Ghibli films .