
  1. 广受欢迎的宝可梦Go周五在日本发行。

    The wildly popular Pokemon Go was released in Japan on Friday .

  2. 《精灵宝可梦Go》要利用地理位置功能,并会用到手机的摄像头。

    The app uses geolocation features and enables the phone 's camera .

  3. 在挪威,索尔贝格对《精灵宝可梦GO》的痴迷已经不是什么秘密了。

    Solberg 's love of Pokemon Go isn 't exactly a state secret .

  4. 宝可梦Go要求用户利用其现实世界中的位置设法捕捉皮卡丘等屏幕角色。

    Pokemon Go requires users to try to catch on-screen characters like Pikachu using their real-world locations .

  5. 宝可梦Go的美国开发商奈安蒂克考虑了将这些地方排除在外的请求,但没有自动答应请求。

    Pokemon Go 's US developer , Niantic , considers requests for exclusions , but does not automatically grant them .

  6. 我国将不会审批与《精灵宝可梦Go》类似的增强现实游戏,《精灵宝可梦Go》是广受欢迎的国外游戏。

    China will not approve augmented reality ( AR ) games similar to Pokemon Go , a wildly popular foreign game .

  7. 日前,挪威首相被抓拍到偷玩手游《精灵宝可梦GO》。当时她的自由党对手特里娜·谢伊·格兰德正在议会上发言。

    Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg was caught playing Pokemon Go while her liberal counterpart Trine Skei Grande was speaking in Parliament .

  8. 俄罗斯官员发出了类似的警告,表示假如《精灵宝可梦Go》玩家继续不受约束,“造成的后果将不可逆转。”

    Russian officials sounded similar warnings , saying that " the consequences would be irreversible " if Pok é mon players continued unchecked .

  9. 在世界各地,被《精灵宝可梦Go》分心的玩家们已经出了不少小事故,包括轻微车祸和跌倒。

    Distracted Pok é mon Go players around the world have been involved in numerous mishaps , including less serious car crashes and falls .

  10. 印度尼西亚官方也称《精灵宝可梦Go》是对国家安全的威胁,或许会让敌人渗透到军事区域、获取最高机密数据。

    Indonesian officials also called it a national security threat that could allow its enemies to penetrate military sites and gain access to top-secret data .

  11. 在今年8月份出席一场国家安全与外交听证会时,格兰德也曾被看到在玩《精灵宝可梦GO》。

    Grande was caught on camera playing Pokemon Go herself during an August meeting of the Norwegian Parliament 's Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense .

  12. 《精灵宝可梦Go》是由谷歌子公司、美国移动游戏开放商NianticLabs开发的。

    Pokemon GO was developed by American mobile game developer Niantic Labs , an offshoot of Google .

  13. 还有一个问题,就是任天堂实际能从宝可梦Go收到多少利润,考虑到它并非是这款增强现实游戏的主要开发商。

    There is also a question as to how much profit Nintendo will actually receive from Pokemon Go given it was not the main developer of the augmented reality game .

  14. 《精灵宝可梦Go》使用被称为增强现实的技术,把数码怪物的图像放在现实环境中,玩家可在手机屏幕上用轻拂手指来捕获精灵。

    Pok é mon Go uses what is known as augmented reality technology , which puts images of digital monsters in real-world environments for players to hunt with a flick of their fingers .

  15. 据《金融时报》报道,今年一月份,也就是第一季度初,王者荣耀的日活跃用户数达5000万人,比精灵宝可梦GO全盛时期的日活跃用户数还要多。

    In January this year , at the very start of Q1 , the Financial Times reported that Honor of Kings had 50 million DAUs - more than Pokemon Go at its peak .

  16. 不像大多数智能手机游戏,宝可梦Go要求玩家抓捕过程中到处走,致使世界各地的官员出于安全或敏感原因,要求人们远离某些场所。

    Unlike most smartphone games , it requires players to walk around in their hunt , leading to official requests around the world for people to be kept away from locations for safety or sensitivity reasons .

  17. 和大部分成功的移动游戏一样,尽管《精灵宝可梦Go》是免费的,但它让玩家可以花几美元购买虚拟物品,加速升级过程。

    Like the most successful mobile games , while " Pok é mon Go " is free to play , it gives players opportunities to buy virtual items for a few dollars to speed up their progress .

  18. BBC新闻–日本游戏公司任天堂新的宝可梦Go智能手机游戏大获成功后,其股价周一跃升近1/4。

    BBC News - Shares in Japanese gaming company Nintendo jumped by nearly a quarter on Monday following the success of its new Pokemon Go smartphone game .

  19. 周日,旧金山的公园和市中心挤满了精灵宝可梦Go玩家。他们把手机的摄像头对准树木和游乐场,寻找可能会出现在屏幕上的精灵。

    On Sunday , San Francisco 's parks and downtown were crawling with " Pok é mon Go " players who trained their phone cameras at trees and playgrounds as they looked for characters to pop up on their screens .

  20. 韩国政府原本就以安全理由对谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)进行了限制,所以利用谷歌地图数据的《精灵宝可梦Go》无法使用。

    South Korea 's government already restricts Google Maps for security reasons , so Pok é mon Go - which uses the data to populate its own maps - wouldn 't work anyway .

  21. Niantic已通过Ingress进行过这类交易,汉克也表示公司将来会宣布《精灵宝可梦Go》的赞助场所。

    Niantic has cut deals like that for " Ingress , " and Hanke said the company would announce sponsored locations for " Pok é mon Go " in the future .

  22. 为了暂定于7月20日举行的活动“精灵宝可梦Go大串场”,旧金山州立大学戏剧研究专业的学生萨拉·维奇(SaraWitsch)在Facebook上创建了一个小组。

    Sara Witsch , a theater studies major at San Francisco State University , organized a Facebook group for a " 'Pok é mon Go " crawl " that is tentatively scheduled for July 20 .

  23. 大受欢迎的增强现实智能手机游戏《精灵宝可梦Go》(PokémonGo)本周正式扩展到另外26个国家。与此同时,世界各地不少地方的安全与宗教当局对它发出警告。

    Pok é mon Go , the wildly popular augmented-reality smartphone game expanded officially into 26 more countries this week , even as some security and religious authorities around the globe expressed alarm .

  24. 从谷歌(Google)分立出来的尼安蒂克是《精灵宝可梦Go》的设计者,公司在游戏中增添了对驾车玩游戏、或其他潜在危险的警告,公司一位发言人表示,公司把安全放在首要地位。

    Niantic , a spinoff of Google that is responsible for the design of Pok é mon Go , has added in-game warnings against playing while driving or in other potentially dangerous situations , and a spokesman said the company prioritized safety .

  25. Niantic公司的一位女发言人没有回应《精灵宝可梦Go》为间谍工具的指责,不过她称,公司请全体用户“谨遵当地法规,尊重在探索过程中拜访的地点和遇到的个人。”

    A spokeswoman for Niantic did not respond to allegations that the game is a tool of espionage , and said the company asks all users " to abide by local laws , and respect the locations you visit and people you meet during your exploration . "

  26. 据报道,美国已经有几个人在玩游戏时被袭或遭抢,虽然暴力行为与受害者在事发时玩《精灵宝可梦Go》一事之间的联系并不总是很清楚。

    In the United States , several people were reported to have been attacked or robbed while playing the game , though the connection between the violence and the fact that the victims were using Pok é mon Go at the time has not always been clear .

  27. 《精灵宝可梦Go》迄今仅在美国、澳大利亚和新西兰发布。它如此成功,以至任天堂的市值在过去几天增加了90亿美元。

    The uptake of " Pok é mon Go , " which is so far available only in the United States , Australia and New Zealand , has been so furious that it sent Nintendo 's market capitalization soaring $ 9 billion in the last few days .

  28. 这是第一起针对《PokemonGo》游戏制造商Niantic、任天堂和宝可梦公司的诉讼,目前这起诉讼正在寻求集体诉讼,号召那些自家住宅被《PokemonGo》设立为站点和道馆的人们加入到这起诉讼中来。

    The first suit against game makers Niantic , Nintendo , and The Pokemon Company seeks class action status for others who have had Pokemon stops and gyms placed on their property .

  29. 中国音像与数字出版协会游戏出版工作委员会近日发布声明称,国家新闻出版广电总局密切关注《精灵宝可梦Go》手机游戏以及相关技术。

    According to a statement released by the Game Publication Committee under the China Audio-Video and Digital Publishing Association , the State Administration of Press Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) has paid close attention to the Pokemon Go mobile game and related technology .

  30. 任天堂公司将于12月15日在全球发布苹果公司iPhone和iPad版的《超级玛丽跑酷》。自今夏《精灵宝可梦Go》大热后,任天堂此次推出的产品备受期待,成功的“门槛”也很高。

    Nintendo Co will release Super Mario Run worldwide for Apple Inc 's iPhone and iPad on Dec 15 , a highly anticipated launch that has a high bar for success after this summer 's Pokemon Go phenomenon .