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yōu jìng
  • quiet;peaceful;sequestered;quiet and secluded;be quiet and secluded
幽静 [yōu jìng]
  • [sequestered;be quiet and secluded;peaceful] 清幽寂静

  • 幽静的环境

幽静[yōu jìng]
  1. 园中非常雅致幽静。

    It 's elegant , peaceful , and secluded .

  2. 学校环境幽静,教学设施齐全,教学质量名列前茅。

    Peaceful school environment , teaching facilities , teaching quality among the best .

  3. 村子坐落在一个幽静的小山谷中。

    The village lay secluded in a hollow of the hills .

  4. 那家旅馆远离闹市,是一个幽静安谧的好去处。

    The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city .

  5. 他们喜欢自家花园的幽静。

    They love the seclusion of their garden .

  6. 我们悄然进入位于昔日公共租界(InternationalSettlement)的一幢现代风格建筑后,服务员把我们带至楼上的素餐厅,这儿的幽静私密包间几乎清一色用日式极简主义风格打造。

    We have slipped into a modern building in the former International Settlement and have been shown upstairs to the restaurant , where our quiet private room is decorated with an almost Japanese minimalism .

  7. 纽约布鲁克林高地(BrooklynHeights)绿树成荫、幽静无比的街巷一直是市区最为抢手的置业之地。

    The quiet , tree-lined streets of Brooklyn Heights have long been among the most sought after for real estate in New York City .

  8. 这座幽静的峡谷就是日光市(Nikko)的憾满之渊(Kanmangafuchi,英文名KanmanAbyss)。

    This serene glen , Kanmangafuchi , which in English goes by the forbidding name of the Kanman Abyss , is in Nikko , the temple town of the great shoguns .

  9. 布局严谨,幽静玲珑。

    The entire layout looks very rigorous , quiet and exquisite .

  10. 然而,这样幽静、这样美丽的地方,我们终于离开它了!

    Yet I had to leave this quiet and enchanting place !

  11. 在幽静的黄昏,我坐在她的孩子们中间。

    In the quiet evening I am sitting among her children .

  12. 在一个异常幽静的拐角处,他停了下来。

    On an unusually quiet corner he came to a standstill .

  13. 度假的时候,我较喜欢乡间相对的幽静。

    For holidays , I prefer the relative seclusion of the countryside .

  14. 这家饭店坐落在一个幽静的地区。

    The hotel is pleasantly situated in a quiet neighborhood .

  15. 有些公园里有树有湖,环境幽静。

    Some parks are quite places with trees and lakes .

  16. 在这样神圣的地方,对我的心来说,幽静是珍贵的安慰。

    Solitude is delicious balm to my heart in this heavenly spot .

  17. 我想,她一定会喜欢我们这个幽静的小地方。

    I think she will be pleased with the hermitage .

  18. 这幽静的街角也就是他生平得意之地。

    The quiet street corner was the sunny part of his life .

  19. 村子隐藏在一个幽静的山谷中。

    The village is tucked away in a quiet valley .

  20. 流过草坪,越过幽静的溪水

    Past the near meadows , over the still stream ,

  21. 他仿佛觉得这像个小鸟窝,又亲切,又幽静。

    It seemed to him a little nest , intimate , discreet .

  22. 幽静的蓝光艳丽的红光衬托着整台法拉利。

    Quiet blu-ray gorgeous red light foiling whole sets ferrari .

  23. 如今,他们悠游于幽静的水面,神秘而又美妍。

    But now they drift on the still water Mysterious , beautiful ;

  24. 茶马古道风景迷人,幽静僻远。

    This ancient road features the imposing scenery and a soul-stirring quiet .

  25. 在仙家山幽静的怀抱里,我感到内心的纯静和安宁。

    In the quiet immortal mountain , my heart is pure quiet peaceful .

  26. 我的爱似小山谷,幽静表明;

    Where Silence says , Mine is the dell ;

  27. 阳光织成的幽静绿阴,慢慢笼罩了我的心。

    The repose of the sun-embroidered green gloom slowly spread over my heart .

  28. 那是一座古老的房子,周围环境幽静,颇具田园风情。

    It was a very old house , beautifully situated in pastoral surroundings .

  29. 海边、阳光、沙滩、幽静&带有西班牙风味!

    Sea , Sun , Sand , Seclusion-and Spain !

  30. 我现在爱过幽静的,节俭的深居简出的生活。

    I chose now to live retired , frugal , and within ourselves .