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lǎo shi
  • honest;frank;well-behaved;naive;easily taken in;simpleminded
老实 [lǎo shí]
  • (1) [honest]∶诚实的

  • 没有一个老实的商人会有脸去要那么高的价钱

  • (2) [frank]∶坦率、不掩饰的

  • 老实说,我很不赞成这个意见

  • (3) [well-behaved]∶规规矩矩的

  • 这个人很老实

  • (4) [simpleminded;naive;easily taken in]∶不聪明

老实[lǎo shi]
  1. 老实说,我情愿把它处理掉。

    I 'd rather get it out the way , to be honest .

  2. 他看起来这么老实诚恳,但我的全部直觉告诉我他一点都不。

    He seems so honest and genuine and my every instinct says he 's not .

  3. 老实说,我对你的失败不感到意外。

    Quite frankly , I 'm not surprised you failed .

  4. 老实说,我已什么事都不关心了。

    Honestly , I 'm past caring what happens .

  5. 你太老实了。

    You 're too ingenuous .

  6. 约翰!老实点儿吧!

    John ! Please !

  7. 老实说我以为再也不用见到你了。

    I honestly thought I 'd seen the last of you .

  8. 老实说,他有时也会让人厌烦。

    To be frank , he could also be a bit of a bore

  9. 他有点儿不老实。

    He was a bit of a dodgy character .

  10. 达夫妮如此忠厚老实,克莱尔对她的话也只有信以为真了。

    Daphne was so guileless that Claire had no option but to believe her .

  11. “你根本不在乎我的感受,是不是。”——“说老实话,是不在乎。”

    ' Quite frankly , I don 't. '

  12. 老实讲,托马斯,你贷款的问题开始让我担心了。

    Frankly , Thomas , this question of your loan is beginning to worry me

  13. 老实跟你讲,哈维,我可能犯了个错。

    To be frank with you , Harvey , I may have made a mistake .

  14. 他出了名地老实。

    He enjoys a reputation for honesty .

  15. 作为一名记者,他太老实了。

    He seemed too ingenuous for a reporter

  16. 我飞快地逃离了格拉斯哥,而且老实说我再也不会回去了。

    I got the hell out of Glasgow and I can honestly say I will never go back .

  17. 商店“概不退货”的规定使得一些不老实的收银员和顾客更难以串通。

    The store 's ' no refunds ' policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude .

  18. 他是个淘气鬼,从小就不老实。

    He was a terror . He had been a difficult child for as long as his parents could remember .

  19. 老实说,我不喜欢他。

    To be frank , I don 't like him .

  20. 我们对人民必须忠诚老实。

    We must be honest and faithful to the people .

  21. 不老实的人非碰钉子不可。

    A dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later .

  22. 老实一点总划得来。

    It pays to be honest .

  23. 他一向忠诚老实。

    He is always honest .

  24. 别以为他们会老实的,他们决不会善罢甘休。

    Don 't imagine that they 'll behave themselves . They will not take their defeat lying down .

  25. 放老实点(儿)!

    You behave yourself !;

  26. 你可以相信他的话,他一向老实可靠。

    You can take his word for it . He has always been on the up and up .

  27. 过去旧社会,我们做起事来,老实讲,是磨洋工。

    To be honest , we used to spin our work out and try to kill time in the old society .

  28. 有的人吃亏,就在于不老实。

    Some people come to grief on account of their dishonesty .

  29. 这人瞧着挺老实的,其实蔫儿坏。

    He looks honest , but is really quite crooked .

  30. 不老实的人到头来总是要栽跟头的。

    Dishonest people are bound to come a cropper in the end .